Chapter 4

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 That night I dream about Finnick. Don't ask me why.

I know it's him. Who else has those piercing green eyes?

He's sitting with me on the side of a river. I'm skipping stones and he's making some sort of flower crown out of daisies.

Personally, I find him strange. Even as a dream person.

One, two, three, four, five. The stone I threw sinks. "Five! I got five this time!" I call out.

Finnick looks over his shoulder and flashes me a smile. I'm momentarily memorized by it.

"And I finished the flower crown," he says in return. He leans over and places it on my copper curls.

I smile and touch it. He leans over and places a soft kiss on my lips.

I wake up quickly and sit up. Why was I dreaming about...that?

I raise a hand to my lips. It wasn't real. Finnick didn't kiss me. He's just a stable hand. Nothing more.

It's morning when I realize why else the dream was strange.

I was happy.

I slip on a soft, flowy shirt with embroidered flowers at the neck. I'm wearing my usual jeans with cowboy boots.

I run outside into the stables. I need to ride Storm. I need to find that peace of mind again. I need to get that dream out my head.

Finnick is there. Just my luck. He greets me with a nod.

I nod in return and turn away. I go to Storm's stall and mount.

"Mind if I join you? Your dad said I could use his horse," he tells me.

I look at Finnick's hopeful face. He is really cute. In a little brother sort of way. I would never betray Brandon like that. He died to save me, and I can only repay him by staying faithful to him.

"Sure," I say. "But you'll have to saddle up first." I doubt he could ride bareback.

"Nah! I'll ride bareback like you!" He replies earnestly and gets on Pharaoh.

This is really bad idea. Really bad. But I look at smiling face again, and don't want to wipe that sweet smile off his face by telling him that he won't be able to.

I nod and start riding.

In the beginning, I look behind me every so often to make sure Finnick is still there. But it's taking away the sense of freedom that comes with riding, so I stop.

I hear a shout about halfway through the ride. I quickly stop, panicked, and turn around.

Finnick's fallen off his horse and is on the ground, not moving.

I jump off and run toward him faster than I thought possible. I skid beside him and hold his head in my lap. "Finnick? Finnick?" I cry desperately.

I feel for his heartbeat frantically. Nothing. I put my hand by his lips, hoping to feel warm breath. Nothing. His heart has stopped completely.

I bend down, acting on instinct, and put my mouth on his, forcing air into his lungs.

Although, I'm trying to save his life, I feel slightly happy about my lips being on his. His lips are soft and warm, even though he's not breathing. Yet.

I stop putting air in his lungs and start pressing on where Finnick's heart would be, trying to start it again.

After I do these things a few more times, I realize it's hopeless. Finnick is dead. I'm responsible for another death. I begin to cry.

I lie my head on the heart I was not able to restart.

I cry and cry and cry.

I don't know why I feel so bad about someone I don't know. It might have something to do with my dream. The small hope that I might be able to love again.

Thinking of that, I place my lips on his and kiss him quickly.

I realize that he's breathing.

He's breathing!

I jump up and shout gleefully, "Finnick! Finnick get up! Wake up!"

He cracks open his eyes. "Did you kiss me?"


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