Part Two

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Yeah, working at Disney World is pretty neat. I mean, it's not like Jason is a huge fan or anything, but it pays his bills and allows him to eat real food, so really, who is he to complain? I mean, sure, some of the cast in the parade could be real jerks and all, but when you're part of the people that control the lights it really doesn't matter.

Okay, yeah, maybe it kind of does because Drew Tanaka is really annoying, and really refuses to let go of his arm, and when Piper McLean shows up (practically glowing like an angel that come to his rescue in Jason's mind) to get Drew into wardrobe, it feels like freedom when Drew stops digging her nails into him.

"I'll be right back, my dear." Drew cooes, puckering her lips and blowing Jason a kiss. And yeah, it's probably rude of Jason to be reminded of Ursula, but hey! This is Disney World and Ursula is a creepy predator that goes after Prince Eric to prevent Ariel from getting to him. A part of him whispers that it would mean that in this scenario that Piper is Ariel, which would make her his princess.

Jason tells that part of him, quite rudely too, to shut it.

Piper just rolls her eyes, crossing her arms, "You're needed in makeup with Mitchell first!" Drew waves Piper off, but continues to saunter over to the makeup setup nonetheless. "Sorry about her." Piper apologizes with a sheepish grin, rubbing the back of her head, "I had to go prep her costume, but then Zoë needed help over with the Frozen cast, and it took way longer then I expected to so I'm--"

"It's fine." Jason said, smiling, "Honestly I understand. Those blue lights that they use over there are a real pain in the ass, they're always sparking." Piper grins broadly at him, and warmth blossoms across his chest, like he just drank a cup of hot chocolate.

"Well, Sparky, I'd love to stay and rant about Frozen, but someone's got to keep Drew in check." Piper flashed Jason one last brilliant grin (as bright as the sun, thinks Jason) before jogging over to makeup, leaving him to stare dumbly afterwards.


Percy was totally not paying attention. But hey, he's not a jerk, and it's really not his fault that he keeps zoning out. He's sure that whatever Annabeth is talking about is interesting and cool (after all, it's Annabeth), but, like, he's got the most amazing cheeseburger in front of him and is practically hypnotized by the artery-clogging-cheesy heaven that's in his mouth.

He's just focusing on chewing as slow as possible (obviously to elongate the amount of time he gets to enjoy the cheeseburger), so when Annabeth snaps her fingers in front of his face, he almost drops his beloved cheeseburger.

"Percy if you're not going to pay attention then maybe I shouldn't buy you lunch again." Percy's eyes widened, and he swallowed, furiously shaking his head back and forth. Annabeth, an angelic goddess, wouldn't dare. At least, not without telling him what restaurant she purchased the heavenly cheeseburgers.

"No, no, that's totally not necessary." Percy said hastily, "I'm gonna pay attention. Promise." Normally, yes, Percy did always do his best to pay attention (really, he did), but when Annabeth starts going into the extremely detailed details about the engineering, he can't help it that his eyes glaze over. Honestly, it happened to everyone else. Percy just tried the hardest (well, except for maybe Luke. But he's Annabeth's brother so it really doesn't count that he can listen to her talk for hours without getting that glazed look in his eye. It's so not fair.)

Annabeth chuckled affectionately, "Sure. It's not like you just want more cheese burgers or anything. But I'll pretend it's because you actually want to hear about the Finding Nemo ride I'm thinking of pitching."

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