"Oh yes, first Hogsmeade trip of the year, who's pumped? I am!" Andy said as she returned from the showers only to find Melanie still asleep in bed. "Seriously, Mel? You were sitting up in bed when I left you?"
"I know but my pillow...he wanted to whisper secrets in my ear," Melanie said with her eyes still closed.
"Your pillow is a he?"
"Yours isn't?" Melanie replied opening one eye.
"Hey you know me, no preference to...pillows."
Melanie snorted before going to roll out of bed but fell out of it completely onto the floor causing both girls to laugh.
"Help me up, you git," Melanie called to Andy.
"What's in it for me?"
"Do you want me to go to Hogsmeade with you or not? You know I have no problem with lying on the floor all day " Melanie said.
"Good point," Andy said before walking over and offering her hand.
She pulled Melanie up to her feet.
"Now go take a shower so we can get going!" Andy told her before giving Melanie a smack on the rear.
"Hey! Watch it, I've already got a crack down there, I don't need another!"
Once Melanie was set to go, she and Andy followed the other students to the village for a nice day of relaxation. Andy was walking along as Ace called after them to join in as his friends bailed for the day.
"All they wanted to do was sleep." Ace sighed.
"I need new friends apparently," Melanie muttered.
"What?" Andy and Ace turned to her.
"Hmm? Did someone say something?" Melanie glanced around innocently.
"How is she on the quidditch team again?" Andy questioned Ace. "She's so lazy."
"Well, it's really her mouth that sets the deal," Ace chuckled.
"Oh you flatter me so, darling," Melanie laughed before jumping onto Ace's back for a piggy back ride. "And it's not just my mouth, thank you very much, because without this mind, my mouth would be useless."
"I wouldn't say that-"
"Ace!" Andy turned to the boy wide eyed and her jaw dropped.
"Oh I didn't mean it like that! You ought to get your mind out of the gutter, Andy!"
"I can't. It was born in the gutter," Andy shrugged.
"And time has only made it worse," Melanie added.
"You two have problems," Ace said with a shake of his head.
"We don't call them problems, Ace, we call them quirks," Andy told him flicking his ear.
"Easy with the flicking!" Ace swatted her hand away.
"Shh, both of you. My future husband has just come into view," Melanie scolded them sliding off Ace's back.
"Where?" Andy said looking around.
"Twelve o'clock," Melanie said.
Andy spun around as Melanie smacked her forehead. "Your other twelve o'clock Andy."
"Whoops!" Andy turned around again. "I see he's sporting yet another quidditch jersey, I wonder how many he has? But I think I know what the answer is already. Too many."
"In Oliver's mind, there is no such thing as too many when it comes to quidditch. Quidditch is life. Quidditch is everything," Melanie wrapped her arms around Andy and Ace and drew them closer. "Everything."
"Oh I can just see his interviews now," Andy laughed. "Using one word, describe yourself."
"Quidditch," Melanie answered.
"If you could do one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?"
"How do you like your eggs?"
"QUIDDITCH!" Melanie hollered.
"Are you making fun of me again, Anderson?" Oliver's voice rang out as he approached them.
"Wouldn't dream of it, Wood," Melanie said batting her eyelashes at him with an innocent smile.
"What? No silly nickname for me today?" Oliver said.
"I didn't know you liked them so much, Robin Wood," Melanie grinned at him.
He turned away from her. "I don't. I don't care for them at all."
"Then why bring it up?" she asked.
Andy and Ace looked at each other, before Andy pointed towards one of the shops, Ace nodded his head in silent agreement and the two left Oliver and Melanie to battle things out.
"I was just thinking that perhaps you were being mature for once and dropping the nicknames," Oliver told her.
"Oh come on now, just admit it, you actually enjoy my nicknames for you. Don't you?"
"No...I don't...I really don't."
"You lie," she laughed. "But don't worry, lovebug, I won't tell anyone that you secretly enjoy my pet names for you."
"I don't!"
"Keep telling yourself that. Maybe one day it'll be true...but I highly doubt it," she said shoving her hands into her pockets and walking away from him.
Oliver stood there for a moment before Melanie turned around walking backwards and looking at him.
"By the way, nice jersey. Is that a new one?"
Oliver glanced down at his quidditch jersey and swallowed.
It was new.
"Looks good on you, Ollie."
"Oh and one more thing," Melanie said cutting him off. "Thanks for looking after Carter for me."
"I wasn't-"
"I worry about my little brother, so really...thanks."
"But..I and..he...we're not ...ugh...you're welcome," he grumbled.
"Bye Ollie."
"Bye Mel."

Strategy { Oliver Wood}
FanfictionTo say that Oliver Wood had a slight obsession with Quidditch was an understatement. It was borderline unhealthy. He loved the sport, but he hated losing. While he hated losing to any team, there was one team he hated losing to the most. Surprisingl...