"Please look after your brother, Mel. Even if he doesn't get into Ravenclaw," Daphne Anderson said to her oldest child who was currently finishing up her breakfast sitting on the kitchen counter.
"I don't know Mum, I can't be seen with Carter if he ends up in Gryffindor."
Daphne placed her hands on her hips. "And why not?"
"It's nothing personal, just business."
"You mean quidditch?" Daphne said.
"Exactly. Business," Melanie grinned.
While the mother shook her head, Carter came into the kitchen to eat something before they had to head to the King's Cross Station to board the Hogwarts Express. He went to grab the cereal but his older sister held it out of his reach playfully.
"Oi! Quit foolin' around Mel! Give it to me."
"What's the magic word?" she laughed.
"Now!" Carter demanded.
"Oooh so close but I'm sorry that answer was incorrect. Better luck next time. Thanks for playing!"
"Mel, I swear!" The boy jumped up and grabbed the box from her hand.
Melanie slid off the counter after finishing her bowl of cereal. She cleaned up the bowl and spoon before walking over to where her brother sat.
"Don't take too long, we have to go here soon. Did you pack everything you need?"
"Yes, Mum," Carter said to her while making a face.
"Shut up and finish your cereal," she said whacking him in the back of his head as she passed him. He attempted to hit her back but narrowly missed.
"You're supposed to be the mature one," Daphne said as Melanie headed to her room to grab some last minute things.
"I don't remember signing up for that kind of responsibility, Mum," Melanie said as her mother followed her into her bedroom.
"It's your birthright as the first born," Daphne mused.
"First born birthright, huh? Do I get a crown with all that?"
"How about a high five?"
Daphne gave her daughter a high five before sitting down on Melanie's bed.
"You will look after him, won't you, Mel?"
"No, Mum, I was thinking about throwing him into the Forbidden Forest as soon as we get there," Melanie answered. Her mother nearly looked nauseous making Melanie laughed.
"Relax Mum, that was a joke. You know I'm going to take good care of wittle Carter farter."
"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" Carter's voice rang out.
"I'll call you whatever I want! I'm the first born!"
"Says who?!"
Daphne clapped her hand over her face while Melanie chuckled.
"Yeah, he's not getting into Ravenclaw."
"Be nice," Daphne said as she held back her own laughter.
"I am being nice. You should hear me if I'm trying to be mean."
The crisp morning air of the first day of September greeted the two Anderson children as they prepared to leave the home. As much as their mother wanted to see them to the station, she had an upcoming shift, leaving the responsibility on Melanie to see that they both got there on time. Fortunately, for the two they did not leave too far from the train station so they were able to spend a little bit more time with their mother before departing.
When they finally had to go, Daphne kissed each of them on the forehead and wished them a good year. Afterwards, Melanie led the way to the station as the two of them pulled along their trunks.
"What house do you think I'll actually get in?" Carter asked in a serious voice.
Melanie glanced down at him, to see that he was in fact quite nervous.
"Doesn't matter," Melanie told him. "Any house will be lucky to have you."
"Are you really going to ignore me if I get into Gryffindor?" he asked.
"Of course not, I was only fooling with you earlier. You can be in Gryffindor, Hufflepuff or Slytherin, regardless of which house I'm still going to love you," she said wrapping her arm around him and shaking him.
Carter whined as she gave him a kiss upon his head.
"Please don't do that when we get to the station."
"Why not? Afraid to be embarrassed?"
"With you as my sister...yes," Carter answered.
"Oh Carter, as if I would do such a thing."
"Of course you would! You live to embarrass me."
"Don't flatter yourself, I don't live to embarrass you. I live to embarrass all."
"Well, I'm glad you're so fair."
"I certainly try, dear brother."
When they arrived to the station, Melanie brought her brother over to the barrier in which they needed to pass through to get to Platform Nine and Three Quarters.
"So I just run through it, that's all?" Carter looked up at her.
"That's all. Do you want me to hold your hand the first time?"
"What?! No!"
"Well don't sound so disgusted by my offer! Mum held my hand the first time!"
"That's because you're a girl."
"You better run through that barrier right now before you become part of it."
Carter's eyes widened and with his trunk before him, he ran through the barrier with Melanie hot on his heels.
She watched as the boy seemed to marvel at the train.
"You act like this is the first time you've seen it."
"No, but it's the first time I get to actually get on it! Finally!"
He went to board the train after giving one of the train workers his trunk but Melanie held him back for a minute.
"Listen," Melanie said lowering herself to the boy's eye level. "I'm going to let you get on the train by yourself. Go find some other little first years and make some friends."
"But Mum said stick with you-"
"Mum's not here," Melanie smiled. "Besides do you really want to hang out with my friends and I?"
"Not really."
"Then go on. I won't tell her if you won't."
The two gave each other high fives and Carter got onto the train first.
"Oh they grow up so fast," Melanie sniffed.
She went to board herself when she nearly bumped into another student getting on.
"Hey Ollie Dollie."
"Of course we would run into each other here," Oliver said.
"Well yeah, we attend the same school, remember?"
"Don't remind me," Oliver said to her as he boarded the train first.
"I missed you too!"

Strategy { Oliver Wood}
FanfictionTo say that Oliver Wood had a slight obsession with Quidditch was an understatement. It was borderline unhealthy. He loved the sport, but he hated losing. While he hated losing to any team, there was one team he hated losing to the most. Surprisingl...