Chapter Fourteen

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"I'm glad you all could make it to watch the game," Ace told his team as they piled into the stands to watch the first match of the season between Gryffindor and Slytherin.

"We didn't have much of an option now, did we? You probably would have made us pay for it next practice if we didn't," Brandon huffed as he shivered under his jumper.

"Or he wouldn't have stopped whining about it the entire season," Jenna added.

"I, for one, am happy to be here," Melanie said with a smile.

"See, Melanie has the spirit, shame on all of you."

"She's only here because Wood is playing," Brandon pointed out.

"That is completely one hundred percent....true," Melanie laughed. "Sorry Ace, but if it wasn't for Mr. Gorgeous playing, I'd probably be doing something else."

"Like what?" Ace asked her.

"Do you really want me to go through my list of things I rather be doing than sitting during a quidditch match?" Melanie said. "Because we'll be here all day."

"Never mind. Just take note, all of you."

The team groaned.


"Oh I'll take note," Melanie said with a wink as the Gryffindors were announced to enter the pitch. Ace buried his face into his hands.

As soon as Oliver headed out on his broom, Melanie turned to Andy who was next to her, rubbing her hands together to keep warm.

"Shouldn't you be hooting and hollering for your man?" Andy teased as her teeth chattered.

"I can't, since buzzkill Ace is's bad for our image to cheer on our rivals. Even if they're gorgeous."

Melanie also wouldn't admit that she was slightly curious about the Potter boy joining the team. He was the youngest player on a quidditch team in a century's time. While no one had seen him play outside of the Gryffindor team, some believed he had to be really good and others believed that the Gryffindors were incredibly desperate after losing their seeker, Charlie Weasley.

But Melanie knew the one thing Oliver hated most and that was losing. She was certain that he wouldn't have Harry on his team if the boy was no good. So it was time to see how good the boy was.

The game was off to a quick start with Angelina Johnson scoring the first goal after getting by the Slytherin keeper Miles Bletchley or as the Ravenclaw team affectionately called him "Blech or Belch."

"You see this is what I'm talking about," Ace said, " you see how good they are this year-"

"Shhh...," Melanie placed her hand over Ace's mouth. "I'm quietly taking note here."

Ace pushed her hand away. "No, you're drooling over Oliver."

"Otherwise known as quietly taking note....taking note of how good he looks in his uniform."

"Looks like the seekers have spotted the snitch," Brandon pointed out as Harry and Terrence Higgs went after it. Harry seemed to have a good lead on it until Flint blocked him forcefully earning Slytherin a penalty.

"Damn near knocked the boy off his broom," Andy said.

"Better than being actually knocked off," Melanie told her.

Madam Hooch called the penalty giving it to Alicia Spinnet who scored for the Gryffindors once more. However, shortly after the girl scored, Harry caught everyone's attention as his broom began jerking in all sorts of directions, like a horse trying to buck off its rider.

"What's going on with his broom?" Andy asked Melanie and the rest of the quidditch team, but the whole group shrugged, apparently just as confused as she was.

"He was handling himself quite well earlier."

Suddenly, shouts erupted from the box where the professors sat. They heard "fire" being called out, but from where they sat they couldn't see anything. During the distraction, Harry was able to gain control of his broom again just in time to go after the snitch. Higgs was in pursuit as well, but Harry seemed far more determined as he made the reach for it, but fumbled off his broom landing on the grass of the pitch.

Everyone stood up in the stands to see what had happen, Harry was clutching his stomach as if he was about to hurl right then and there. But as he opened his mouth, the golden snitch popped out.

Melanie laughed and clapped her hands in amusement causing Ace to give her a look as Gryffindor was announced the winners of the match at the score of 170 -60.

"I'm sorry, Ace, but that was brilliant. He caught it in his mouth! How precious is that? Besides look at that little face of his?" she pointed down to the little bespectacled boy who was grinning from ear to ear. "Ease up, Ace. We weren't playing and the boy just won his first match, don't you remember winning your first match?"

Ace made a face before his expression lightened and he clapped his hands together.

The students and professors made their way back into the castle after the game, Melanie was sitting in the hall with Andy when the Gryffindor team came in, their beaters Fred and George celebrating by yelling down the halls while Harry followed by the team's Chasers who were all smiles.

Oliver looked quite pleased himself, winning his first match of the season. He was following his towards the Gryffindor tower when he heard Melanie call to him. He turned around and saw her occupying one of the window seats with her friend. He walked over with a confident stride, obviously feeling pretty good about himself.

"Hey Woodpecker. Your team was looking good," Melanie said.


"And you looked okay," she grinned.

"Gee, thanks Anderson."

"Anytime," She winked at him before standing up and stretching. "Anyways, I have to head back to the common room, I'm sure Ace and the team are going to want to discuss how we're going to defeat you when we finally get to play each other."

"Say what you will, but it's not going to happen," Oliver said as he neared her, attempting to come across as intimidating but failing miserably in front of Melanie.

Melanie walked over so they were only inches apart from each other.

"I'm looking very forward to our match, Ollie."

"You mean you're actually looking forward to losing?"

"You're so cute when you try to make jokes."

"I'm not joking, I'm serious."

"No, you're Oliver," Melanie told him.

He pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration until he felt a kiss on his cheek that left him still and red in the face.

Andy laughed at his expression while Melanie walked away from him backwards with a wave.

"Bye Ollie."

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