Chapter Thirty

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February meant two things to the majority of students in Hogwarts, Valentine's Day and the resuming of the Quidditch matches. The next match would be Slytherin vs Ravenclaw. Then Gryffindor  would go against Hufflepuff, and Hufflepuff would then take on Slytherin.  Leaving Ravenclaw vs. Gryffindor as the final match of the season in May. Which didn't give Ace plenty of time to prepare his team against the snakes, which meant doubling up on practices to keep his team well prepared and ready.

Not as obsessive as Wood during the second half of the season, but he was quite close during his practices. He really wanted to make sure they won a game.

However, between his team having to take their studies seriously, and his increased practice time, Ace began to see his team struggle a bit as they were quite sloppy during practice.

"Come on, guys, what's wrong? I've never seen that formation so...sloppy before."

Jenna rubbed her forehead. " We're tired Cap." she said. "I think you forgot but the match isn't until the end of the month. We have time, but all these extra practices  are killing us. I can't even tell you what I had for breakfast this morning."

"I can't even tell you if my socks match!" Melanie said from her broom. The team looked at her and saw her pull up her pant legs. "That's a negative."

"Alright, alright." Ace said holding up his hands in surrender to his team. "Maybe I've gotten a little carried away with practice. I'm sorry."

"A little?" Brandon repeated. "I-"

Jenna smacked Brandon's arm. "He already apologized. Shut up."

The team touched down in the pitch to speak with Ace.

"I guess I just want to have one last good match, you know?" Ace said to them.

"And you will." Melanie told him. "We're going to destroy Slytherin and then destroy Gryffindor. But we can't do that if we can't even see straight enough to put on matching socks." 

Ace smiled. "You don't even wear matching socks on most days, anyways Mel."

"That's not the point."

Alright, let's call it a day then. I'll give you guys the rest of the week off with practice, in honor of Valentine's Day.

"Whoo!" the team cheered dismounting their brooms. 

"But I expect full dedication during next week practices!"

"Yes sir!" the team saluted him. While the team dispersed, Melanie helped  Ace clean up by collecting the practice snitch.

"Are you sure you weren't meant to be a seeker?" Ace teased as she walked over with the little gold ball in her hand.

"I wish." she chuckled. "I am nowhere near keen enough with my eyesight to chase after this thing during a real match, I would end up being so dizzy. I would just accept defeat and lie down on the quidditch pitch."

Ace laughed. "That sounds about right."

"Hey! Only I can make fun of myself...and Carter...on occasion, if I allow it."

He shook his head at Melanie before locking away the bludgers into their respectful spots and then taking the snitch from Melanie.

"So, did you make plans with Oliver for Valentine's Day?" Ace asked her out of curiosity.

"Uh no." Melanie answered. "I've hardly spoken with him really, except maybe in class or passing through the hallway. But I guess that's a good thing that we're on talking terms most of the time. He doesn't scowl at me anymore, so it's progress."

"Do you want him to take you out on a date?"

"It would surely be appreciated but I guess if he doesn't I don't see the harm in it. Besides my mum says that Valentine's Day is just a profitable scheme made by the muggle greeting card companies."

"What?!" Ace laughed at her response closing up the small chest.

"Yeah, she says that it's just there for people to waste money when in reality every day should be Valentine's Day if you love someone."

"That sounds very wise."

"Well, she was in Ravenclaw for a reason." Melanie shrugged.

"What do you think about Valentine's Day?"

"It's one of my  favorite holidays."

"Oh really? And why is that?"

"Because I can eat massive amounts of chocolate and no one is judging me because they are pretty much doing the same thing...especially if they're single."

'Fair enough." Ace grinned to himself. 'Well, how about this... if Oliver doesn't ask you out on a date for Valentine's Day, then you and I will spend the entire day stuffing our faces with chocolate and not judging each other."

"You got yourself a deal, McGregor. Although it's going to have to be BYOC style."

"What's BYOC?"

"Bring your own chocolate. My stash is low."


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