I made you a cover for you're new book Memories :3 I hope this was kinda what you were looking for. The Sky fan art I found off google images is actually something (I pwomise I'm not a art stealer. I give credit) called the butterfly chronicles and the Rose images I got off google. But I still hope you like it :3
(If you want the link for the sky art this is it right below)https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://img07.deviantart.net/bd4c/i/2015/019/e/a/skydoesminecraft_map_sp__by_swiftkhaos-d8efozo.png&imgrefurl=http://swiftkhaos.deviantart.com/art/An-Impossibly-Dark-Paradise-SP-512260246&h=576&w=1024&tbnid=WQnlsoHFojKeTM:&docid=0mxQPaQhPhAZYM&hl=en-us&ei=m93kVtXTIYfbjgSr8avIBQ&tbm=isch&client=safari&ved=0ahUKEwiVjduz27zLAhWHrYMKHav4ClkQMwhPKCgwKA
(It's... Really long XD)
Okay so I looked at your comment and made another one.
The links for the Crainer and Ssundee are:
Crainer: http://orig08.deviantart.net/2ac1/f/2015/193/3/1/314b6fad842a131ce847ddf677ecba1d-d90xct3.png
Ssundee: http://sexyakatsuki.deviantart.com/art/Ssundee-fanart-449980294
But hope you like them
My Crazy Book of Randomness
LosoweHey readers this is my book of when I'm super bored! So basically my life q&a whatever you doods want I'll think about it and stuff but um yeah this is my awesome bored and life book! Plz enjoy! Byyyye! Mo