Thursday :\

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Well it was the dreaded day. Thursday. Well James was so up to date he sent me his address three times and Beau stole his phone and got my number. The texts from him consists of hey and your cute and like 10 winky face emojis. I got dressed in a black, green and blue flannel with black skinny jeans and boots. Yes my jeans had rips, yes I looked badass. So I drove to the address and then very nervously got out of my car. I knocked with shaky hands, why ? I don't know.
I was greeted by James.

"Hey" I say.

"Hi" he says.

"Is she here? Did she get my texts?" I hear Beau behind him.

"Oh hey Beau" I say walking into their house.

Skip, Luke and Jai were playing fifa.

"So are you like from Australia?" James ask as we sit down.

"No I'm from California moved here last year" I say.

"So how old are you?" He asks.

"19 and a half" I say.

"Really" he says looking suprised.

"Yeah. America got boring, also I had no one there. Long story that is not being told" I said.

"okaie dokie" Beau says also taking a seat at the table along with the other boys.

"Let's prank call people" Skip yells out.

"Wow you guys are lame" I say laughing.

They totally ignored my comment and started dialing a number. They may be stupid but they are funny. They did three prank calls each one funnier then the one before.

"Cass needs a tour of the house" Jai says.

"Let's go" Luke says.

The twins lead me around the house.

"Thats the kitchen, we attempt to cook food there. Thats the living room." Jai says pointing to various areas.

"That is my room, that's Luke's , and that's Beau's" Jai says.

Thats when James calls Jai downstairs leaving me and Mr.Quite over there, Luke.

"So this is your room Luke?" I say trying getting him to say something.

"Yeah" he says.

That's when I spot a picture. Awww.

"You and Jai were adorable" I say pointing at the picture.

"I stil am" he says and for the first time I seen a little bit of the nit so shy Luke.

Then he picks up the picture.

"I remember this day, we were at our grandma's house and we had just got done eating ice cream." He says.

"Is it fun being a twin" I say making him laugh.

"I mean I've never not been a twin so I don't know any other way." He says.

"My cousins are twins" I say making him laugh more.

We're sitting on his bed. HINT: SITTING . And out of no where he smashes his lips on to mine. I immediately kissed back. My hands found there way to his hair and his did the same. It was a matter of time before we hear steps getting louder. We break about before Jai see's us.

"Jai do you remember this day" Luke says picking up the picture I pointed out.

"Kinda not really it was 6 years ago" he says laughing a bit.

"I'm gonna go see James now" I say awkwardly walking out of the room and downstairs.

I spot James in the kitchen.

"Sorry James I gotta go I forgot I made plans with someone today, but these two hours have been fun" I say and leave totally making a fool out of myself.

An hour later

*text message from unknown number*

Hey its Luke, I stole your number from Beau because I don't want you to feel uncomfortable around me I'm really sorry about what happened. It won't happen again, unless you want it too ;)


That was pretty well written.


Well thank you.


Hey tomorrow wanna get coffee at that weird shop in the mall?


You know usually the boy asks the girl on a date.


I'm different I guess.


What time Mrs.Different?






Was I feeling confident or a little on the crazy side I didn't know but I liked it.

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