meeting James Yammouni

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Cassandrea's Pov

I lived in a little apartment in Australia. I was going to work at my job. Obviously. It was like the same thing every day get ready, go to work, go home, eat, sleep. It was boring. I could use some drama, excitement I don't know the word trouble maybe in my life. I was working at the worst place ever especially when your a teen, McDonald's . I made money so I was happy but it was kinda embarrassing and highly unhealthy. And it was in the mall food court meaning more people I know we're going to see me. I was cleaning with my headphones on, of course there was only me and one other person who apperently went to use the restroom so I was alone, which I didn't know at the moment. It was early in the morning the mall had just opened, meaning the rush was going to be coming soon but I didn't know because I was to busy cleaning and listening to five seconds of summer to notice a tall guy standing at the counter. Until of course he coughed very loudly to get my attention.

"You know you could of just like waited or something?" I say to him before walking over to the cash register.

"I'm in a rush" he says, he has a weird dimple piercing that is actually kinda cute.

"In that case what would you like?" I say waiting for his order.

"Can I have the hotcakes" he asked.

"No" I say laughing slightly.

"Is that all?" I ask .

"Yeah" he says.

He pays, waits for his food and is gone. It was weird he was different. Something told me that wouldn't be the last time I would see him.

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