I Arrive at Dea..."School"

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      Approximately half an hour after my initial conversation with April, the yellow automobile slid to a stop in front of a large brick building. Students were milling around in the field beside and behind the school, waiting for classes to start. The bus unloaded its young passengers quickly and sped off again.

       April walked right by my side to our lockers. We both shoved our bags into our lockers and took out binders.

      Social Studies was our first class of the day for this semester.

April and I plopped down in our seats and opened our binders to a page that contained a t-chart and a page of looseleaf containing an essay that highlighted the differences between modern society and empire of our choosing.

     April picked the Roman Empire.

      I picked the Ottoman Empire.

      Both of us had laughed at how juvenile and lazy our society was compared to older times.

       The bell that indicated that classes were in session rang as Mr. Etchenburry stepped through the threshold.

"Good morning, class! I expect that all of your essays are complete!" The old teacher announced as he gracelessly plopped into his padded desk chair, "Please stack them in a neat pile on the corner of my desk."

It took less than two minutes for everyone to hand in their papers. We were all sitting back down when the classroom phone rang.

"Yes, this is Mr. Etchenburry's Social Studies class," the instructor at the front of the room stated. Then he glared directly at me. "Yes. Sure. I will send her down immediately!" He answered, glancing away from where I sat.

April and I exchanged worried glances while the phone clicked back down into its cradle-like holder.

"Zasha. You are needed in the principal's office," he stated as his glare returned to me.

I silently stood and shuffled out of the classroom. I was very worried about what they would be calling me down for.

I must have been showing that I was worried, because Chance was staring worriedly at me.

I smiled as I left to walk to the office.

"Good morning, Zasha!" The perky secretary greeted as I walked into the administrative office. "Ms. Terrance is waiting for you."

"Thank you," I acknowledged as I walked into the principal's office. I felt like a little kid who had gotten in trouble for shooting rubber bands at kids. And now I was going to get scolded and possibly have to call my parents to tell them what I had done. But I didn't understand what I had actually done.

"Zasha. Have a seat," Ms. Terrance's steely voice grated out. You could definitely tell that she was extremely unhappy with something or someone.

I cautiously lowered myself down into one of her office chairs.

"Do you realize that public intoxication is illegal, and that this school has a no-alcohol policy?" She questioned angrily.

I nodded, confused at her remarks.

"I have half a mind to send you home this instant for this foolishness!" The principal exclaimed, disdain evident in every word.

"What foolishness?" I finally asked quietly.

"Coming to school intoxicated is enough of a reason to get suspended, you realize?" Ms. Terrance noted, "Do not anger me."

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