Uninvited Guests

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~Dick's POV~

We finally reached the park, where the party was being held. The team and I got off and walked to our tables. "Hey Dick!" I turned and saw Barbara Gordon, the commissioner's daughter, aka Batgirl. She was wearing a green silk dress and her hair was tied in a bun. "Hey Babs!" She walked to us. "Where's Bruce?" She asked looking through the crowd of people. "He's in a business trip at Korea" We suddenly heard gunshots and people started screaming and running to the exit of the park. I exchanged a look at Barbara and I gave a curt nod. I ran to the nearest table and quickly changed to my Robin costume. I rolled out of the table and grappled to the nearest tree. I looked around and looked for the person who shot the gun and if anyone was hurt. I saw Joker with Harley laughing near the stage. I saw the team fighting some of Joker's minions, at the progress they are making it looks like they're loosing. I heard someone land behind me, at the corner of my eye I noticed it was just Batgirl. "Joker and Harley are here we have to help the team, they don't stand a chance against them" I told her and we both moved in. We both threw smoke bombs and I gave my signature cackle. All of the Joker minions were knocked out once the smoked cleared.

"Aww... And yet I thought the party was just getting started" Harley pouted. "Robin! Look out!" I turned to see a sword swinging towards me. I instantly ducked and swiped the legs of the person who was about to hit me. It was a person in a full black outfit with a logo emblemed on the outfit. I instantly noticed it was the logo of  the League of Shadows. Great... I stood up and saw that all around that Batgirl and I were cornered by a wave of ninjas. Joker and Harley were knocked out on the floor, tied up. The team were standing there being held by some ninjas. A girl wearing a green and black full body jumpsuit with matching gloves and boots, and a white belt and holster with a small semi-automatic pistol. She has high cheekbones, a sharp nose, green eyes, and long brown hair that was tied up in a ponytail. Talia al Ghul, daughter of Ra al Ghul, daughter of Ra al Ghul, second-in-command of the League of Shadows... ex-girlfriend of Batman, otherwise known as my "mom". "Talia" I said looking up to her. Batgirl and I both got out of our battle stance knowing that Talia will do nothing to hurt us since she still loves Batman and that Batman will get mad at her. "Are you okay? No scratches? No gun shot?" She ran towards Barbara and I looking at us for any wounds. Ever since she and Batman dated, Talia has been protective over Batgirl and I. "No mom, we're fine" I rolled my eyes playfully at her. "Do you have to bring like a hundred ninjas?" Batgirl asked Talia. "Of course, nothing is too much for my little angels" She trapped us in a bear hug. The team looked dumbstruck. Barbara and I saw this and started laughing. Talia let go off us and looked at the team. "If any of my angels get hurt, I will kill you personally" The team suddenly shrunk and looked scared. "Okay mom, don't scare them" She turned towards me and smiled. She gave me a letter and said, "I gotta go, you know how your grandfather acts when I sneak off with some of his ninjas" I laughed and she threw a smoke bomb.

Once the smoke cleared, all of the ninjas were gone and so was Talia. I smiled and took out the paper she gave me. Looks like we're gonna have a visitor later. I turned to Batgirl and smiled. "C'mon bird brain, let's go check up on Joker and Harley and hand them over to the police" Barbara rolled her eyes, walking towards the unconscious psychopaths. I called the Commissioner and walked over to the team. "So how's the party?" "Who was that girl?" Kid Mouth obviously asked. "That was Talia, B man's girlfriend" "Hey Robin!" I heard Batgirl called. I turned and saw her doing a gesture telling me that we need to change into our civilian clothes. I turned back to the team and smiled. "I gotta go, another mission by Batman. Say 'hi' to Dick for me" I shot my grappling hook and landed by the bushes. I changed to my tuxedo and meet up with Barbara. "Wanna sleep over at my house?" I asked her smiling. "Sure, why not?" We made our way to the team, who was looking around and shouting my name. "Sorry, I got swept away by the crowd." Kid Flash ran towards me and scanned me as if he was an x-ray. I rolled my eyes at his foolishness. "I'm fine, it's not like I got shot" He smiled and rubbed the back of his head. "Heheheh... C'mon let's get going looks like the party ended early anyways" I called Alfred and told him to pick us up and fix an extra room for Barbara. The team changed into their civilian clothes and we made our way to the car and went back to the manor with Barbara with us as well.

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