Teaser Chapter / Intro

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A/N: So I was making this a long chapter but as you can tell I lost words and couldn't express what I planned for this chapter anymore so... I felt sorry that I don't update as much (*voice in my head* or not at all) so I decided to post it make it as a teaser or I'll continue with this or re-write it in the next chapter.


"How much longer do we have to wait?! We've been here for hours!" Kid Flash groaned in the mind link.

"Oh shut up, Baywatch! You're over exaggerating. We've been here for only twenty minutes!" Artemis retorted but the speedster just stuck his tongue out from his seat.

The team plus Batman, Green Arrow and Red Arrow was currently at Gotham Bay waiting in the camouflaged Bio-ship for the mystery enemy to arrive.

"This still feels so weird..." Green Arrow said, breaking the two's arguments before it goes out of hand.

'I swear, those two fight too much. It's so annoying,' Green Arrow thought but what he didn't know was that he said it through the mind link.

"Hey! We heard that!" Kid Flash and Artemis yelled at the same time as the rest of the team said, "You'll get used to it."

Kid Flash let out a "humph" and folded his arms over his chest while Artemis began muttering curses in Vietnamese under her breath.

Robin suddenly sat straighter when he saw a silhouette appear but since it was so dark, it almost went by unnoticed. He brought out his binoculars without leaving his eyes of the figure.

Batman looked at what his son was looking at until he also caught the figure. He brought out his binoculars as well and kept his attention on the figure.

The rest of the ream tried finding on what the Dynamic Duo were looking at but it was too dark for them to see anything. How the two bats saw the figure was beyond their knowledge.

Al, of the sudden there was a loud sound of moving water and when the rest of them looked where the sound was coming from, they saw something really large rising out of the water. But one thing caught them off guard, the thing rising out of the water was a submarine! It even had a faded US flag sticker smudged at one of the fins!

Once it stopped rising, a hatch opened and thanks to the light emitting from the hatch, the rest of the heroes were able to see what the Dynamic Duo were looking at.

There were two full metal armoured beings dragging a knocked out Bane with a tank full of Cobra Venom.

Their armours covered every inch of their skin so the heroes couldn't tell if it were really aliens or not.

The two tossed Bane down the hatch, not even bothering if the Cobra Venom user got hurt. After that the two armoured "aliens" both jumped down and closed the hatch.

The submarine began sinking into the water once more. Once it was fully submerged, the heroes waited for a while before Batman spoke. "Follow the submarine in camouflaged mode. Keep your distance."

Miss Martian nodded and followed  the instruction given to her. She placed her hands on the steerings of her ship.

The Bio-ship floated and went over the water and slowly sunk down. The dark night sky did not help see through the murky water but luckily the Bio-ship had lights to help them see even tho it only reached a few meters ahead of them.

They followed the submarine, staying a few feet away just in case if they get spotted.

A/N:Some of you would also notice that I changed the cover !!(^^)

I also decided that I will give a shout-out to 2 people, as long as they follow me and vote or you give me a shout out!!! I already have 1 person to give a shout out to.

My only question for you guys is: why are you still reading this crap? ('∀`)
Till next time~

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