Chapter 2

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Chansons POV

"Well don't you clean up nicely mr Willis" I heard Victoria say.

This girl was 50 shades of crazy. If she didn't stop talking to me know shed be known as Americas laughing stalk.

"Umm..thanks I guess". She gave me a slanted grin and smiled.

" So when does this thing start anyway"? I asked Victoria's stylist. "6:30, Its 3:15 you can just take a walk around the studio while I get vicky ready if youd like". I nodded and waved them bye.
" Hey if you see my manager around stay away or else your fired". Victoria said it in a stern voice that sounded truthful. I gulped and gave a nod before Turing the corner and walking to the coffe shop.

End of POV

* victoria went to get ready for the night when her phone rang while navy was doing her hair*

"So what's up with you going with him? Not that its bad I mean hes a handsome young lad." navy asked " hes my f°°°°°". I was about to answer her when my phone began to ring. I mouthed her a sorry and answerd my phone.

A young man spoke. " hello is this ms stanza" I didn't recognize the voice " yes this is she. What might you be calling for"?. I asked unsure

I heard the voice on the other end stutter as if he was emotional " do you recall the name willow chiva"? It took me No longer then a second to reply. " yes of course she's the women behind my career. Is everything ok?"

" She passed about a month ago Mrs stanza I'm sorry I'm her son her funeral was 2 weeks ago".

I began to cry silently. " What. Oh my I'm sorry truly dearly sorry" I said as my eyes swelled and turned blood shot red.

" it happens, anyeah the reason I've called is because you were in my mothers will. If your suprised as were we".

I was very confused and asked for clarification.

"I'm sure your aware that my mother owned a dance studio am I right." I nodded but then rememberd he couldn't see me.

" yes of course, I was a former student. Without that place I wouldn't be were I am today, But what does this have to do 28th her will"? I asked not understanding.

" since my mother was the owner of RockPointe dance company we assumed the building would go to the state . We sighned the distruction papers because we didnt have the money to pay for it... However she stated in her will that the studio should be given to Victoria Stanza." I was speechless.

" weve seen you on tv and understand there your very busy, but we need you to come down and sign the papers". I was shocked, there's no way I could sign those papers. I was practically raised in that studio.

" I can't do that. That studio was part of me. I won't stand to see it fall to ashes can't I sell it to someone who will take care of it. Renew it and make it come back to life"?

I was shaken up letting the state take that precious place letting it be torn apart was the last thing id do. There's no way a place where art was made would be turned into some sleazy bar.

" she wrote that the building either go to the state or you no one else until you've at least run the place for 2 years." I didnt know what to do.

The man spoke once " and to clarify there's still dancers certainly at the studio. Or at least up until 2 weeks ago when the state came to claim the building".

I became angry. There were no other dance studios in maine those dancers have no where else to go without that studio without her there dreams would be crushed. I'm here thousands of miles away from Maine how could I manage to run the studio. Suddenly I remember a scene from 5 years ago the last day I saw Mrs chiva

5 years ago at the airport.

" have fun out there in the big world I know your gonna be great and I'll be seeing your face on my tv soon." she had spoke to me as I smiled " Thanks I couldn't of done this without you" she nodded " one day you'll make dreams come true. I hope to see you again before I pass". I frowned " im sure you will . and whad do you mean I'll make dreams come true"? I asked just as the flight attend called for the last Waring about the boarding " you'll see one day now go" she rushed me I gave her a hug and rushed into the plane.

END OF flashback

I knew now what she meant she planned this I thought to myself. She knew she was sick. And I was the only one she trusted.

"Hello Ms stanza are you there ice been calling you the past few minutes."

I let out a shakey breath

" tell the state I'll be over there within in 3 days." he sighed

" ok I'll let then know to start the destruction process".

"No. I'm going Beacuse.." I brased myself for the words that were about to escape my mouth.

" what do you mean no"? He asked.

"Inform the  parents children that are attending the studio that they'll be fine. ... The studio won't close . I Victoria stanza am the new owner of Maine's one and only dance studio". With that I hung up.

My career needed to be put on hold for the time being this task was far more important to me.

I huffed and told my stylist " I'm leaving tommorow to Maine.. I have some business to take care of".

"How long I'll enform your boss." she asked

" 2 years." I said unsteadily.

Her jaw dropped. I looked around noticing everyone else's had did the same .

I looked myself in the mirrior and sighed. I then smiled. I was doing this...I was doing this Beacuse it was right. Because dreams were in my hands. And they werent  about to be dropped.


Hey guys!thanks so much for reading this and I hope you enjoy! I except both negative and postive critisicm so don't be shy!


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