Ch. 2. Eerie feelings

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Erabella Taylor sat on the kitchen's grey and black marble island's chair and sighed. It seemed no matter how early she had gotten up she could never seem to catch her parents.

She drummed her finger pads beside her bowl of disgusting soggy cereal. Did her mom really think that waking up to this mush made her feel well taken care of. (At least I could warm up oatmeal)

She picked up the bowl of what her parents considered love and emptied it into the sink and sighed. (On to the masses)

Era stopped in front of the antique mirrors her mother had just Had to have and had placed by the front door, and took in her appearance. Her supposed to be straight bob and bangs for some reason reminded her of Duck Man.

(Maybe I should have spent more time on my appearance.

Or maybe you shouldn't have cut off your hair in the first place!) I silently battled myself.

Erabella remembered what she liked to refer to as "the night." She had come home to this house that never felt like a home and for some reason had felt more lost than ever before. Climbing the eternal winding staircase she finally made it to the second landing bathroom and had sheared off her fathers pride and joy right then and there.

Now he couldn't even look at her.

She grabbed the keys off the hooks designated for just that and pulled open one side of the white porcelain, large, glass and gold swan designed front doors and stepped out into yet another overcast dull grey day.

Erie felt very uncomfortable standing in the ever slowly moving lunch line and used her brown old man shoes, as she like to describe them, to scuff at a scuff on the cafeterias floor. A couple of girls stood a few unnecessary feet behind her but were talking so loud, they clearly wanted to be overheard.

Apparently by everyone because one of the lunch ladies took a set of tongs and slapped it on the high silver counters that separated them from the students repeatedly, drawing a minute silence.

Erie shrugged, animals and zoo keepers.

As if to prove her very point the two loud cheerleading zombies started a round of cussing and hissing towards all the lunch ladies. "It seems no one is safe"

- "Wait Rebecca," The blond hair blue eyed Hitler's family tree wishing Barbie tapped her partner in crimes shoulder with perfectly French manicured nails. "What did that girl just say to you?"

"Oh no, Natasha. That Chica must have been talking to you. Because noooo one over Here gives a flying taco what she thinks!" The Spanish girl shook her peroxide bangs out making kissy noises and then picked up Erabellas taco and pelted it deliberately on the floor.

Erie surpressed the urge to snap. Natasha Adams and Rebecca Lopez had been in her grade for as long as she could remember so she couldn't figure out where "that girl" this and "that girl" that was coming from. (These tampons used to sleep over my house)

She noticed how chipped her purple nail polish were reaching in the keep food hot contraption and took the last taco.

"You know, you really shouldn't have done that Rebecca, people work here. And it's not even like I have to pay for it" I finished locking eyes with one of the lunch zoo keepers to make sure everyone was on he same page. The bootleg Nurse Betty nodded once in agreement.

Natasha spoke first. "Shut up, you bitch! Why don't you tell your dad and mom that this towns school system needs-"

"A disciplinarian" Eerie suggested making the owner of the head of curly dark locks in front of her choke his drink. Although, hair that perfect couldn't belong to a real girl.

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