Ch.3/ prt.2 of Dream State

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The strange dream had been beyond disturbing. She hadn't even felt like herself. And although the love and passion between she and the dark angel was undeniable. She also knew their love was so wrong.

She blinked and winced, remembering falling through the dark. (No, wait. )

I dove out my bed, kneeling in front of what at first sight looked like a bench with cushions and pillows to the untrained eye. But, in fact, was really a treasure chest to keep my secrets, treasures and dreams.

Just stuff like my old diaries, things my mom left me and my coveted art supplies.

I sifted through the small stack of papers for the exact one I was looking for.

It was a high yellow, brown of old paper. It even had something similar to water stains on the front making the paper look very much like parchment

I pulled it out and said one silent hallelujah while clipping it to my easel.

I spun around aimlessly waiting for my eyes to adjust to the dark before dragging my stool placing it steady and grabbing my old coffee tin of charcoals, pencils and pens.

I rolled the long dark stencil between my middle finger, index finger and thumb. Smudging them, allowing myself to be comfortable with it.

I placed the stencil to the parchment and paused- closing my eyes, like I always did. Letting my photographic memory come back to me. Freeze framing every detail in slow motion.

Stroked the paper four times and I began.

* * *

I drew and drew. Keeping my eyes closed. Really feeling the picture.

Here's the real creepy part. I can't remember when I opened my eyes before this.

But when I did a slight sun was peaking through my window with pinks, purples and barely there blues.

The birds were chirping like crazy.

I stood in front the glass eye stretching my limbs and my arms behind me.

(I'm so friggin exhausted) I trudge towards my bed like a zombie, arms hanging lifeless by my sides and everything.

I fling the covers to the side and climb into my four poster. I put my head to the pillow and I sleep.

Thank God, just sleep.

OK. Sorry guys. I know I promised a ch.4 but I couldn't just end dream state like ThaT!! :D

There will be a ch.4 by tonight.

In the meantime ..... PLEASE pls Vote!! Comment our jus plain add Moon of Doom to your reading list ;)

L.O.L xoxo

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