Gabriel x Cecily

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AN: I never got over my grudge for Gabriel and I skipped most of the scenes with him and Cecily in it soo forgive me if I make some mistakes, but inform me if you find some so I can fix them, thanks :) !

Why wasn't he the one that went first? 

Gabriel always thought that he would be the one to become weak and pass first, for he was older than her. Cecily, his Cecily, would probably have handled it. She had always been brave and strong, and he had fallen for her because of that. He remembered how she had bravely fought their father (although the demon he transformed into wasn't him anymore). She had very little training back then, but she fought like she didn't care about it. 

He couldn't forget what had happened. They had encountered a Shax demon on one of their days out together. He instantly regretted the training he usually skipped which had made his skills rusty . It had knocked out his weapon, and was about to deliver it's killing blow when Cecily had thrown herself in front of it. 

She kept claiming that she was fine, but he could feel that it wasn't. He hoped that she would eventually heal, but she didn't. It only got worse and worse. Since then, he had stayed with her more often. He tried to look calm to not worry her, but it had felt like his heart was being shattered to pieces. It had been his fault that she died, although she kept assuring him that it was not, but the will of fate instead. He could not bear to inform the others, since they themselves were dealing with deaths too, and he had been overwhelmed by guilt. 

Tessa had been destroyed with Will's death, and she had fled to avoid witnessing the others' as well. Gabriel had seen Sophie's eyes water every time Gideon was mentioned. The pain did not stop, though, when Charlotte and Henry passed on as well. He didn't want to add to their grief and sorrow by giving them the news of what happened to Cecily. 

He had lost the will to stay alive when she died. But he resisted it, since it had been her dying wish for him to not lose fate in himself and stay strong. 

But there was something he needed to do.


The smell of demons was strong. Their shadows could be seen, lurking around the sewers and dark streets. I'm near, just a couple of turns left, he thought. 

Then he found them. 

Demons were everywhere. He could see their outlines deep deep down under the sounding sea. There were so many kinds everywhere, and it made his blood boil.

They are the reasons why she is now dead

Without thinking, he rushed towards them nearly weaponless. He initially planned to find one of their hiding spots and come back with more weapons, but the hate in his body seemed to energize him. He stroke demons when he suddenly felt a stabbing pain on his left forearm. One finally got him. He killed two more when he felt it again, this time on his other arm. 

He felt himself collapse. Surprisingly, he felt happy, for he thoughts of finally joining his beloved filled him. He thought he had heard her voice, the voice he had been missing for a long time now, calling out to him. 

Finally, together at last.

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