Charlotte x Henry

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AN: So sorry for the late update. Comment if you have any suggestions :--)

The red-haired man held his wife's hand.

They were both in the London Institute – it was their dying wish to be left there. It's former residents, though, have left it a long time ago. Tessa and James went to other countries, while most of the others have passed. 

No more could be done to help the couple, not even with the help of the Silent Brothers.  There was just a point in Shadowhunters' lives when they couldn't be helped or saved anymore. The girl, now white-haired, held the man's hand. Fear of dying initially filled them, but now they felt quite happy. At least they would depart together, and that would be enough. 

They remembered the hard times they went through. The both of them sometimes laughed about being so blind with their love for each other [AN: *COUGH* HEY MARINETTE AND ADRIEN I REALLY WONDER WHY I THOUGHT OF YOU GUYS *COUGH*]. It seemed that it was just a couple of days ago. 

The woman could never forget how caring her husband had been to her. Of course, he often got distracted with his inventions, but he remained loving and loyal to her. He had always been there to take care of their sons, Buford and Matthew. Her heart swelled with pride, too, when his inventions were recognized and used. She felt that the sensor and portal he invented would still be used decades from now. He always came with her to meetings to cheer for her with the enthusiasm that never faded in him, although she always felt pained to see him bound to a wheelchair.

Her husband too felt the same way. He admired the way how his wife took command with the skill of leadership that she always possessed. She had always been independent, he knew, and that was one of the reasons why he had fallen in love with her.  

He heard his wife take a shaking breath, he knew that their time would be up soon. "Lottie," he said, and cupped her face "I will always love you. You know that, right?" . She laughed, "I know. I love you too."

The couple tightened their hold on each other's hands and closed their eyes, letting death take hold of them.  

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