#157 [Arr' Preaching]

149 18 19

I need you to answer the following questions HONESTLY.

It is not necessary that you have to comment you can keep the answer in your mind.

The results may not necessarily be accurate.

1. What is your best friend's favourite movie?

2. What is your best friend's favourite song?

3. What is your best friend's favourite colour?

4. Was it you who approached them or they when you both became friends?

5. Are you two similar in your actions and all as the myth goes that best friends are similar ?

The last and the most important

6. Do you actually trust them with all your heart and are ready to exchange all your secrets with them?

Now leaving the last question. Just think for a minute that the answers you gave were your favs or what your friend actually favs.


We don't know our friends fully not do they know us that much. But sometimes it becomes necessary for a person to share their feelings with others, so let them.

Everyone you talk does not need to be gossip or plans about fooling around.

You understand what I mean to say.

So being someone's friend does not necessarily means that you have just fun with them.

Maybe sometimes the other person needs some help from you and at that time it does not matter that you don't know much about them. But what matters is you are there for them when they need a shoulder to cry on (not literally).

Be with your friends when they need you.

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