Chapter 15 - Trouble

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Sofia thought that Bella's party was actually quite fun. She was now dancing with Hugo for a bit.

"Hey, Hugo, I need to use the lavatory, I'll be back in a bit", Sofia said.

"Okay", Hugo replied.

Sofia had left the ballroom and looked for the lavatories. She looked for a while and attempted all the doors, however she could not find the lavatory. At last, she saw Bella coming out of the ballroom. She knew this was her only choice so she asked Bella where the lavatories were, despite that fact that Sofia despised Bella to a slight extent.

"Hey, um Bella, Please can you show me where the lavatories are?" Sofia asked.

"Of courrrse, Sofia", Bella replied coldy with a smug look on her face. She led Sofia to where Sofia thought were the lavatories, Sofia went inside, not knowing that Bella had locked the door.

Sofia's POV

It was so dark in here, I couldn't see a single thing. I looked around for the light switch, feeling my hand on the wall. Then I found it, and switched on the light.


This was not the lavatory.

This was a storage room! Bella had done it on purpose.

I reached for the door but it wouldn't open. I pulled harder but no luck. It was locked. Bella had locked me in here. On purpose. And I knew why.

Hugo. I knew right from the day Bella came to Royal Prep that she wanted Hugo back. How could she be so cruel?

I heard the music and sounds of people having fun from the ballroom. I began banging on the door and yelling for help, hoping someone would hear me and come to my rescue. I tried for a long time but no one came. It was pointless. No one would be able to hear me. Uggh, how I hate Bella so much right now. I know without a doubt that she's flirting with Hugo.

Hugo's POV

Sofia's been gone for a while now, I hope she's alright. I'm heading to leave the ballroom door when I hear Bella calling my name several times.

"Hugo, Hugo!"

I quickly turn around. "What is it now?"

(No one's point of view anymore)

Bella was startled by his sharp response. "Nothing, I ..uh, would you like to dance with me?"
"No". Hugo snaps again. "I'm looking for Sofia".

"Sofia?". "I'm sure I saw her leaving my castle with some guy", she smirks.

"What?!" Hugo says alarmingly. Then he rushes out the ballroom to go after Sofia.

Sofia's POV

I try calling out for help one more time. I've been yelling for almost half an hour and my throat feels raspy.
Suddenly, I hear footsteps passing by.
"Help, help me!" I call.
I then hear a voice.
"Is someone in here?" Calls a male voice which I've never heard before.
"Yes, I'm trapped in here, please help me out" I reply.

"Okay. Stand back, I'm going to try bringing the door down", the voice says again.

I do as he says and stand back. In a matter of seconds, he managed to break the door down and I see an unfamiliar face. It's a prince with blonde, slightly tussled hair, and he has deep emerald eyes with fair skin.

He offers his hand out, and helps me up.
"Thank you for helping me out of there", I say.
"It was no problem. How did you get in there anyway?" He asked.
"I-It was Bella, she .. locked me in here".
"Bella did this?"
"Yes, do you know her?" I ask.
"Not much, I only came to her party because she invited her cousin and I'm his friend".

We then both leave the storage room.
"What is your name?" He asks me.
"I'm Princess Sofia of Enchancia" I say.
"Nice to meet you Princess Sofia, I am Prince Alexander of Cadotha".

Just then I see Hugo rushing towards me. "Sofia where were you,?" Hugo asks, (No ones point of view now) he looks at Alexander. "Who are you?" Hugo asks firmly.

"I'm Prince Alexander, I'm the one who just saved Princess Sofia", stated Alexander.

Hugo looked shocked. "What do you mean save?" He then looks at Sofia, "Bella said you were leaving the castle with another Prince",

"She's lying, Bella was the one who locked me in a small room but then luckily Alexander got me out of there", said Sofia.

"Bella locked you in there?" Hugo asked, horrified.

"Yes, I asked her where the lavatories were, and instead she locked me in a storage room", Stated Sofia.

"That's horrible" said Hugo, taking Sofia's hand. "Why would she do that?"

Although Sofia had a feeling why Bella did this, she didn't want to mention it to Hugo now. "I-I don't know, anyway let's just go back to the ballroom".

Hugo and Sofia walk hand-in-hand, back to the ballroom, with Alexander trailing behind them. As soon as they got to the ballroom, Sofia and Hugo danced, while Alexander went with some of his friends.

Sofia and Hugo were happily dancing, having a great time until, Bella showed up again.

"Oh, Sofia you're back, didn't I see you leaving from here with another Prince?" Bella says with a slight smirk.
"Stop it Bella, I know you locked Sofia in a room", Hugo snarled.
"No I didn't lock her, I clearly saw Sofia together with another Prince and they were about to leave my castle!" Bella proclaimed.

Sofia blinked at her. "Well if you clearly saw me with another Prince, would you care to explain what he looked like?" Sofia said bluntly.

Bella hesitated for a while. "He uh.. had.. er purple...

"Bella, just save it, don't accuse Sofia of things like that and mostly do not trick her into locking her in a room, how could you be so cruel?" Hugo protested.

"Whatever", Bella said glaring at them both then walked off.

"I'm sorry Sofia, I didn't know Bella was like that", Hugo said planting a kiss on her cheek.
"It's fine Hugo, it wasn't your fault, now let's enjoy the rest of the partaaay", Sofia replied.

To be continued.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter (although its probably not as good lol) and sorry for the late update, I've been really busy lately. Anywayysss, if you liked this chapter vote or leave a comment, Thank you xo.

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