Chapter 20 - 'The book thief'

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**Get ready for a loooong chapter**

Wednesday -
(Two days left till the ball)

After Sofia was woken up by the maids, she opened her closet to pick a gown to wear to school. She chose a lilac purple gown with an embellished waist. She then picked out a matching tiara. After she had changed into her gown and tiara, Violet (one of the castle maids) came in to call her for breakfast.

"My, Princess Sofia, you look stunning", said Violet.
Sofia smiled. "Thank you".

Then she went down for breakfast, and of course Edward was there too. As soon as Sofia entered the room, Edward pulled out a chair for Sofia which was next to where he was sitting. Why was he suddenly being such a gentleman?

(Sofia's POV)

"Uh..thank you, Edward", I said managing a smile. Edward wasn't usually like this.
After breakfast, it was time to go to school. As I was about to walk into the carriage, Edward quickly rushed in front of me, at first I was about to say something to him, until he opened the door of the carriage for me, indicating for me to go first.

Weird, again.

"Err...thank you", I said as I walked past him. I wondered why he was acting like this. Normally, he's such a jerk to me and now he's acting like such a .. gentleman.

The whole ride to school, I felt Edward staring at me from opposite.
I ignored him, though I really wanted to say something, because it was getting annoying. Finally we had arrived at Royal Prep.

"Sofia, Sofia!", I heard someone calling my name. I turned around. It was Cleo. I had completely forgotten that Cleo had gone over to Bella's palace to find out something about her.

I walked towards Cleo, where Hildegard, Felicia and Jun were also there.
"Hey Sofia guess what I found about Bella!" Squealed Cleo. Then Amber came to join us.
"Omg, you found out that she's a witch too?" I said then I realised what I had just said.

Cleo looked confused. "Did you just say that Bella's a w-
"N-no I didn't , anyway carry on what you were going to say, what you found about Bella?" I said quickly.
"Okay, so I found out that at she got kicked out of her old school, and the school before that, aaand also the school before that!" Cleo exclaimed.
Me, Amber and Hildegard frowned.
"Wow, she must have been pretty bad", stated Felicia.

"So, is that good enough to use against her?" Cleo asked hopefully.
"Not really", I said. "We need something really bad to use against her, I did find something out but um.. I need... proof of it first", I blurted quickly.
"What did you find out Sofia?" Asked Felicia.
"I'll tell all of you later,", I replied.

Just then the bell rang. We all quickly hurried to class.

It was Professor Popov's lesson first. We did ballroom dancing as practice for the Ball on Friday - which was only two days away.
Luckily this time we got to choose our partners.
I was with Hugo, of course.
The lesson was amazing, as I was dancing with Hugo, a certain person's smile caught my eye. Mia. She was dancing with Prince Frederick and they were gazing into each others eyes. They both seemed really happy and were enjoying themselves , which was really weird for Mia because she's generally moody and when she's not she's flirting with Hugo. Speaking of him, she hasn't been flirting with Hugo recently. It's probably because ... ... she likes Prince Frederick!

Omg, thats why she hasn't been flirting with him lately. She might have a crush on Frederick. That's a good thing, one less person chasing after Hugo.

"Sofia, Sofia?" Said Prince Hugo.
"Huh? Oh sorry. " I said. Hugo looked towards where I was looking, and must have seen the same thing. Princess Mia and Prince Frederick were both smiling and both looked very happy.

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