Chapter 16 - Dance class

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An hour later, Bella's party had finished and everyone returned home.

In Enchancia

That same night, Sofia told Amber all about Bella's scheme about how she locked Sofia.
"That's awful!" Amber exclaimed.
"I know", Sofia replied.
"She's worse than Mia", Amber stated.
"Totes. Speaking of Mia, she hasn't done anything like mean lately". Said Sofia.
"That's true", said Amber. "I think we should plan revenge on Bella, like how we did to Mia!" Amber exclaimed enthusiastically.
"I'm not sure", Sofia shrugged.

"Please Sofia, It'll be fun", Amber pleaded. Sofia wasn't convinced.
"I don't want to do revenge on her, there's no point sinking down to her level", Sofia mentioned.

"Okay not revenge but something that'll make her leave you alone and to stop interferring with your relationship with Hugo", Amber suggested.

"Well I guess we could do that but how?" Sofia replied. They both sat still for a few moments and thought.

"I've got it!" Sofia blurt. "We need someone to become close friends with her and find some information about her that she won't want anyone else to know, then we'll use that against her if she does something horrible again", said Sofia.

"Sofia, that's genius!" Amber said joyfully. "But who will be the person that will become her close friend?"

Sofia thought for a moment. "I know!"
Amber's eyes brightened. "Who?"
"Hugo", Sofia replied.

Amber gasped. "Why Hugo?"
Sofia let out a little laugh, knowing what Amber was thinking.
"Remember, Hugo used to date Bella? So he might know something about her!"Sofia said.

"Omigosh, Sofia that's brilliant, when are you going to tell Hugo", Amber asked.
"Tomorrow", Sofia replied.


Sofia got dressed and ready for school as usual. She waited for her brother and sister, then went in the flying coach. Whilst on their way to school, Sofia and Amber discussed their revenge plan.

As soon as they arrived at Royal Prep, Sofia spotted Hugo, talking with Prince Nicholas and Prince Derek.
Sofia turned to Amber, "I'm going to tell Hugo the plan, okay?" Sofia said.
"Okay. I'll tell Hildy and Cleo, maybe they can help us too", Amber suggested.

Sofia had almost approached Hugo, when Bella appeared in front of Sofia. Sofia took no notice of her and carried on walking.

"Hey, Sofia", Bella said sharply.
Sofia didn't reply, which infuriated Bella. "Are you seriously ignoring me?"Bella asked snootily.
"Sorry, I don't talk to trash", Sofia muttered. Bella shot an evil glare at Sofia for a second, then flounced off.

At last Sofia approached Hugo. "Hey Hugo, can I talk to you about something?"
"Of course", he smiled.
"We'll leave you two alone" Teased Derek, and him and Nicholas walked away.

"What did you want to tell me?" Hugo asked.
Sofia explained the plan to him, and then many words later Hugo said "Wow Sofia, that's a really clever idea, the only thing is, I don't know anything about Bella that we could use as a threat, I only dated her for three months and she didn't really like revealing much about herself", Hugo stated. Sofia was slightly distressed, but nevertheless she thought of something else.

"Well would you help us anyway with the plan ?" She asked.
Hugo gazed deeply into Sofia's crystal clear blue shimmering eyes. Whenever he stared into her eyes he felt as if he was in another world. Her world.

"Of course, anything for you Sofia", he replied atlast.
"Thank you", she said putting her arms around his neck as Hugo pulled her into a hug. They stayed like this for awhile until they heard the bell.
"We should go now", said Sofia, then she took Hugo's hand and they walked to class.

A few classes went by and now it was dance class with professor Popov.

"Today class, you are going to dance im partners" announced Professor Popov.
"Can we choose our partners?" Asked Derek.
"No. I will be picking the partners". He replied.

There were many sighs and groans from the class. Because whenever Professor Popov chose the partners, things always went wrong and he doesn't pair up two people who like each other which is why Hugo and Sofia are rarely partnered up when Professor Popov chooses.

"Okay let's see, Hildegard and Edward are to be partners".
Sofia was relieved, because she didn't have to be partnered with Edward because she knew he liked her and was very fond of Sofia in a stalkerish, weird kind of way.

But someone wasn't happy.

"Nooooo Professor Popov I simply can't be partners with him!"Complained Hildegard.
"I'm sorry Princess but you must", said Professor Popov.

(Sofia's POV)

"Next is Princess Cleo and Prince James", said Professor Popov.
Both of them were extremely happy. Professor Popov didn't know that they were dating. Many people didn't because James and Cleo were keeping their relationship private for now.

"Princess Amber and Prince Derek"

"Princess Felicia and Prince Nicholas"

I was so hoping I'd be partnered with Hugo, although it was highly unlikely. But still, He hadn't mentioned mine or Hugo's name yet. So I still had a chance.

Professor Popov mentioned a few more names.

"Princess Maya and Prince Zandar"

Then my heart raced when he said my name.

"Princess Sofia and Prince Carlos"

I knew I wasn't going to be with Hugo.

"Princess Bella and Prince Hugo".

Oh no.

A/N: Hey guys, sorry for this short chapter, this was more of a filler chapter acc, anyway if you enjoyed it vote or leave a comment. Thank you xo

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