☄How To Tell Your Friends The Truth

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This was one of the requested chapters so I decided to do it.

How to tell your friends the truth?

Well, depending on the situation, it may not be required to tell the truth. However, honesty is always the best policy. But telling your friends the truth can be the hardest yet quickest thing to do. Now, if they are true friends, they will get over it. After all, they are your friends.
Just rip the bandage right off and tell them. If they don't forgive you based on the situation, they may not be your true friends. Give them a couple days. And when telling them the truth...always, ALWAYS, ALWAYS!!!!! Start off with:

•"I'm sorry to tell you this"
•"No offense"
•"I'm sorry I didn't tell you this sooner, but I didn't want this to come between us"

End with:
•"I hope you forgive me"
•"I hope this doesn't come between our friendship."

Now remember this all depends on the situation and scenario.

|Love all you LilyPoppers💥|

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