Chapter 40✨

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Chyanne POV

So I just pulled up to my house with Kanye. All 4 of Niko's cars was in the garage so that means he at home. Put I also saw two cars pulled up. It must be Boys night. I pressed the button to close the garage then I got my key from out my bag and unlocked the door. I took Kanye's hand and we walked into the house.

"Hey lil man" I saw Diggy spud Kanye as I took my shoes off.

"Hey Daniel." I smiled.

"Wassup Chyanne, you alrite?" He smiled back hugging me.

"Er, I'm whatever" I shrugged. He raised his eyebrow and took Kanye's shoes off.

"Come on lil man" he said as they went into the front room.

I went into the kitchen where Issa, Niko and some other guy was smoking shesha. (English hookah basically) I let them off the hook coz it was only shesha but if they were smoking weed I would of killed them. Especially Niko coz I told him not to.

I saw the other guy staring at me so I looked him up and down.

"Who's this nigga?" I asked pointing at him. He was kinda peng. He had black curly hair up to his shoulders, dark skin, dimples, strong jaw line, white straight teeth, light Grey eyes and a tattoo kinda like mine saying
r.i.p dad inside of a bullet on his toned arm, exposed by his plain white tee.

"Bae" Niko walked up to me from behind and wrapped his arms round my waist and pecked my neck once. "This is my boy Taz"

"Wassup, I'm Taziano

(Taza-ra-no) but you can just call me Taz" he held out his hand. I said still in Niko's arms.

"Nah, thanks. Imma call you Taziano" I shook is hand "So you a Spanish nigga?" I smiled. Issa and Niko laughed.

"I'm Portuguese actually"

"Same language. Same beauty" I winked.

Niko stiffened a bit. Taz chuckled.

"Portuguese and Spanish are different languages." He raised his eyebrow.

"Eu sei que eu sou apenas brincando com você" I said in Portuguese. (I knw I'm jus playin wid u)

"Então você falar um pouco de Português ?" He replied in a sexy accent. (So you Spk a lil Portuguese.)

"Falo fluentemente . Meu pai era Português" my smiled faded. (I speek it fluently. My dad was Portuguese.)

"Aye carumba you two mane. We don't speak Viva la loca" Issa said whilst blowing out. I playfully rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Where's Kanye?" Niko asked sternly.

"In the front room with Daniel." I said getting water from the fridge.

I walked back into the front room and sat on Diggy's lap. Kanye was watching Rasta mouse.

"Where's Alanna?" I asked stroking his face.

"She at her Parents" he shrugged.

"Did you guys argue again?" I sighed. He simply nodded. And held his head down. I lay on his chest and fell asleep.


I was awoken by my phone vibrating In my pocket. I saw that I was still on Daniel's lap. He also fell asleep. I checked my phone.

Bestie2Braidz - On my way x

I didn't text back and went to look for Niko. He wasn't in the bedroom, bathroom or kitchen. I went back in the front room. Kanye was asleep on the rug with cbeebies still on the TV. I checked my phone and it was 8:00 PM. I called Niko but he didn't pick up. I felt Kanye tapping my leg, rubbing his eye.

"Hey, are you hungry?" I said taking his hand, walking to the kitchen.


"Why didn't you tell Uncle Primo?" I said boiling the kettle.

"I dwid but he told me to wait but then he left when he saw you and Uncle Diggy togedda." He said.

I nearly cried but held it in. I hope he doesn't some stupid shit. I saw Diggy come in the kitchen shirtless.

"I'm Finna go now Chy" he said walking up to me and hugging me. I kissed his cheek.

"Go straight to Alanna's Parents house. And take her home." I pointed my index finger at him. "Got it?" I raised my eyebrow. He nodded and grabbed my butt with one hand and stroked my face with the other. He kissed my cheek and then he let me so.

"Bye Chyanne." He said.

I smiled and said bye back. I poured the hot water in the pot with pasta and then made a cheese and tomato sauce.

30 Mins later

I gave Kanye his pasta and then made a fruit salad for myself. I heard the door unlock. And the a big thud to the floor. I walked to the door and it was Niko. I rolled my eyes thinking he was drunk but then I saw a stream of blood running down the floor.

"Niko!!" I ran towards and rested his head on my knee. I saw that the blood was coming from his upper body. Soon after Ray came through the door.

"What the fuck happened!??" He said.

"I don't know, call the ambulance!"

( I think in America it's called the paramedics)

Ray quickly got his phone out and rang 999 (911).

"I'm done tete-- ahhhhh" Kanye started screaming and was asking questions.

"The ambulance is on it's way." Ray said.

"Come on Kanye, they're just making a Halloween costume." Ray said picking him up and going into the front room.

I took of his top off, exposing the bullet wound on his side and started kissing his forehead.

"Can you hear me??! What happened?!" I said in tears. He didn't reply. Ray came back with wet wipes. I got some and wiped some blood off his chest, avoiding the wound, when I got near that area he would groan and move around in pain. The ambulance came and put him on a stretcher.


8 hours later.

So me, Ray, Issa, Taz, Daniel, Alanna and Rachelle are in the waiting room.

"You can see him now, we removed the bullet from his side and we have stabilised his heart rate. But he has lost ALOT of blood." The white nurse said.

"So he's Okkay?" I asked worrily.

"Erm, he's on morphine so he'll seem a bit woozy" she slightly smiled.

"I've seen him high on weed before, I'm sure he won't seem different to me." I said giving no fucks.

"If you say so" she replied walking away.

"See you in a min." I said to the others.

I walked into the room to see Niko lying in the hospital bed with loads of tubes attached to him. I felt tears roll down my face.

"Niko" I kissed his lips.

"Hey Baby" he smiled at me, too weak to kiss back.

"What happened?!" I held his hand up to my face.

"Babe, it's not a big deal. I promise."

"Not a big deal?! Are you out of your fucking mind? You just got shot!" My mouth was wide open. "You know, that nurse was right, your woozy as fuck. I'll come back later so you can tell me what happened." I started to walk around.

"Chyanne wait.... Please." He shouted very weakly, like he was whispering. I stroked his face.

"Tell me the truth, ... Are you a thug?"


Whats happened to Niko?

Vote who you think Chyanne should start a family with.

Niko ❤

Chresanto ❤

Rayan ❤

-hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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