36~sing for me part 1

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36 Bella's POV

"IZZY!" I looked up to see my twin brother running towards me. I dropped my bags and sprinted forwards into his wide arms wrapping my legs around his waist. It was like in a movie scene.
"I have missed you so much Hazzy" I say my voice muffled from his hair that my face is buried in
"I have missed you too like really bad!" We stayed like this for a couple of minutes until  someone finally spoke up

"Ok thanks enough family love I am lonely over here!" I hear my best friend say. I unlock my body from Harry and turn to Lizzie. We run into each other's arm sloppily kissing each other cheeks

"Missed you babz!" we both say at the same time

"Cough cough there is other people here!" Josh's voice says. I pull away from Lizzie to see josh stood with Paul

"Joshie! Pualio!" I say giving them both a bear hug
"aaaw blueberry we missed you too!" Josh says
"Yeah now if you don't mind letting go!" Paul says trying to stay all official
"Oh you love it really Paul!" I pull away with a big smile on my face when I see Josh snake his arm around Lizzie's waist

"OH MY GOD!!! Are you guys together now!" I asked excitedly Lizzie nodded
"yes I knew it!! HAHA See I told you Josh but no you never listened" I say doing a little dance josh blushed a little

"We need to get back the hotel!" Paul says checking his watch "Its 9:30 and you need to get some rest the concert is tomorrow!" He says we nod as he picks up my suitcase i thank him and walk over to Harry. He instantly wrapping his arm over my shoulder

"I have really missed you, we all have!" He says
"I have too. But it was nice to get away from it all. But if you where with be it would have been much better!" I said kissing his cheek
I know! You are staying in my room with me as I gathered you wouldn't want to share with Louis. The rest of the guys are in the hotel waiting for us!" He said I nodded excited to see the boys. We got into the van and Paul started to drive

"SO how where your exam's?" Lizzie asks me
"Yeah and you need to sing us your new song!" Harry butts in
"They went better than I expected I actually really think I got in. I have Alfie helping me with the ITC and English so my marks where higher and I am amazed at how well my singing and Piano went!" I said with a  missive grin. Not to sound cocky but I think I did well on this one "And I am singing 3 of my new song tomorrow so you will hear them then!" I said

"Oi Bells what's this about you and that Alfie bloke!" Josh says I can't help a smile creep on my face
"I know that look!" Lizzie sings "What happened?"
"We have only been on a couple of dates" i said blushing furiously
"have you kissed?" Harry asks I hesitate to answer the guys start laughing
"Get in there!" Lizzie says I turn away so they can't see my red cheeks but there was one thing running through my head 'he doesn't even compare to Louis'

"What was that?" harry asks shit did i just say that out load

"Oh nothing I said nothing"


"MY BELLA BABY!" I heard the boys yell as we entered the hotel room. I run into a big group hug. Outs of the corner of my eye I saw Louis get up with a  sigh and stomp off to his room. Liam saw me watching and sent me a comforting smile

"I have missed you guys!" I say with a stupid grin!
"We have missed you too!" Liam says
"Yeah no one to cook me nice food!" Of course Niall says
"Or watch super hero movies with!" That was mine and Zayn's thing, if we could sleep we would stay up all night watching super hero's films, what don't judge

"Now come on and sit down I got you all presents!" I sang the guys giggles giddily, god they haven't changed at all, maybe even more mental.

"Now this one is for Zayn!" I say pulling out the bag. I hand it to him seeing his reaction when he pulls out the snapback
"Oh Bells I love it I was wanting one of there!" He says giving me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.  I grimace as he calls me bells, Louis used to call me that, I looked over to Liam to see he had noticed again

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