Chapter 40

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It's been a minute! But work has been consistetly parring me. I'm supppperrr sorry and I love you guys.

Back in London

I pulled my new Forever21 snood closer to my face, it wasn't just cold it was freezing. New York had been bad but I'd just escaped the worst I had thought. I had been very very wrong. I stood with my bags waiting for my mum to get here. I hadn't told Zion I was back. I wanted it to be a surprise, it had been hard to talk to him. I'd tried to explain the whole Daily Mail situation and he had said that he didn't care, that he trusted me that all he wanted to know was that when I came back I was his and only his and I had grinned like a Cheshire cat over the phone. All I wanted was Zion and all he wanted was me. We were back on track, we were gonna make it this time.

Chilling with Forrest had been really cool. He really was just a friend and had promised he'd come and see me soon. I'd told him everything and he had told me that he thought I should just chill with men for a bit, but I didn't want that. I wanted Zion. I loved Zion more than I loved myself and there was no way I was living without him, it just wasn't happening. I smiled as I saw my mum come over because it meant that after a quick power nap I would be in my baby's arms and he would be in mine. I waved at her and she waved frantically and smiled at me quickly parking to grab my bags and grab my arm and mutter how much she had missed me and how she was gonna have a belated birthday party for me and how she was happy I'd got my curves back. I rolled my eyes at that, because one I hadn't lost that much weight in the first place and 2 that was the sly way of saying you ate a lot in the US. I couldn't even get a word in edgeways, but I didn't want to, I just wanted to enjoy my mum's company. I sat in the car told her about how amazing NY was and how I was gonna go back to visit my new friend which she did not press. I was so excited to be home and as soon as I saw the signs for Ealing I started clapping which my mum smiled at. I was so excited to go home. When I finally got home Hakeem and Kadeem ran out of the house and jumped up at me. They hugged me as if I'd gone to war and I smiled glad that they'd missed me as much as I'd missed them. We walked into the house and my dad smiled at me before pulling me into a big bear hug I gave them all their presents before heading to my room to sleep for a good two hours before I drove over to see him.


I looked at myself one more time, yeah I looked good. I looked decent for someone who'd just come from another continent. My mum had let me borrow her car and I was so gassed, something about driving a white Audi TT with Magna Carta had gassed me up. When I got out the car I locked it quickly and then walked to the door and tentatively knocked. A pissed off looking Naomi answered the door and I quickly covered her mouth so that she didn't scream and I hugged her. She was about to say something but then ushered me to Zion's room. I walked up the stairs quietly and got scared for a second, what if I got upstairs and saw something I didn't want to see? I paused at the door and then thought to myself, if Naomi had let me up nothing bad could be going on. I opened the door and he was sleeping. I smiled and just stared at him for a bit, he looked exhausted. He had all these papers scattered around his room. I quickly grabbed the camera that was still in my bag and took a snap of him. He looked like such a hard worker. It was time to cut his fun off. I jumped on him and he looked startled but when he saw me he smiled. I didn't fail to miss that. He grabbed me and put his arms around me and held me really tight. I smiled as I smelt his chocolate coloured skin, he smelt so good all the time. I swear if I could have died at any time it would have been then. I had this euphoric feeling. I felt in fact I knew that I was the centre of his world when he did that. He muttered about how much he had missed me and I closed my eyes not realising how badly I had wanted to hear those words.

"I missed you too baby." I said with a huge grin on my face. He smiled against my skin.

"I have something to tell you." I pulled away nervous, there was always something. He looked at me bewildered. "No, no baby it is nothing bad. Nothing bad is happening." I let out a sigh of relief and we moved around a bit so that I was lying next to him with my head on his chest as he played with my weave. Whilst in NY I had decided I had to get a weave on my free weekend and Forrest's sister Diana or Di for short had hooked me up. this 18 inch Brazillian weave had me feeling like Beyonce. "I'm starting my own catering business. My dad, he's helping me. It's all happening so fast"

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