5.accept your life and move on....but how?

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I walked down to the dinner table and wince when i see fish on the table as one of my sides.

I sat down and no later than four minutes my mom joined. We started eating and it was an awkward silence.

"Sapphire...i no we want to talk to you about your new school" my dad stammered.

I nodded and looked at him attentively, his features went from worried to anger.

"Don't you think your being a bit to childish, not just that but way to difficult" he snapped.

I widened my eyes as he held my eyes with angry determination.

"-your mother and i has put up with the disrespect and the behavior! You dont want to talk to us then fine, we will leave you alone but i want you to ask yourself, is this really about you moving or is this about me not being your dad!? Your mom does not deserve this! She cared for you when she had little hope left, but you dont realize that because your so delusional! She has never not cared for you before and at times you make it really impossible." he yelled.

I looked down and shook violently, anger is passing through me and i can't seem to stop it, i might as well let it go.

"Well what did you expect?!! That I'll be all happy and cheery if we move! Well your wrong, and. She already gave up on me-"

"-and have you think about why?!" he roared.

"-you make it out for her to look bad, but in reality your just scared that you will forgive her for the wrong she did! So you continue on and on to hurt her as much as she hurt you, but when she explains to you about how much she is sorry and loves you, your scared you will forgive her so you hurt her even more." he soften his tone.

I lookes down and hot tears begin to appear in my eyes. Is he right? Am i just running from her so i won't forgive her?

Mom has always been there, even when i pushed her away. But why? Its useless now, she...gave up.

"Think about it sapphire, i cant stand to see her sad all the time, its time you put away your pride for once and show how you really feel." dad softly said.

I heard him walk away, leaving me and mom together by the dinner table.

Show her how i really feel?

" well i think i should go" my mom said nervously.

"Wait....mom" i looked up to see her stiffen when i talked to her.

Show her how i really feel huh...?

"I was so angry at you" i started to say.

"- so angry on how you never told me my father was some stranger, i wanted to forgive you but only a part of me did. The other part wanted to exact her revenge for as long as it can, i felt empty mom! Empty! It was like my heart stopped breathing and i had no moving cell in my body, spineless! But i was scared at the same time. Its no excuse but im...sorry please forgive me!" i cried out and my mom wrapped her arms around me whispering soothing words to me.

"Its okay baby.. I love you" was the last words i heard till i blacked out.

I woke up laying down in my bed.

I looked towards where my mom was holding my hand as she smiled down at me.

"Morning sunshine" she said brightly.

"Uh...morning , um.....what happened" i asked awkwardly.

"You cried yourself to sleep hun it was an intense emotion after all" she said adding humor.

"Great now i look a mess" i joked.

She laughed a hearty warm filling laugh that made me smile also.

"No your always beautiful" she said with a hint of admiration.

"Your my mother, your programmed to think that" i said smiling.

She shook her head " im not gonna lie and i will never lie, your beautiful and even if i was not your mom, i would still think the same" she assured me.

I rolled my eyes playfully and stood up to stretch.

" are you ready for your first day" she asked.

I choked on air as soon as she said that.

"Oh my god i totally forgot about that" groaned internally at the thought.

"Well get ready sweetheart because your first day is going to be awesome" she smiled mischeviously.

"Mom your freaking me out.....literally" i said cautious.

"Im gonna dress you up" she wiggled her eyebrows playfully.

"Mom, im sure im going to be fine with just a white shirt with some black skinny jeans with white and black michael jordans" i assured her.

"Boring and nerdy, we need sexy and flirty to fit in" she said excitedly.

"Mom come back to earth....please" i pleaded.

She rolled her eyes and said "there no way around it now come on let me fix you up"

She dragged me to the bathroom and locked it behind me. I smiled at her cautious moves.

We will never be doing this if it wasn't for daniel, i silently thanked him and let my mom do the work.

She grabbed a black skirt with a white tank top, a pair of skinny jeans that will probably hug me in the right places, and put black highheels with silver diamonds on them.

She helped me change out of them and i noticed the black shirt was actually a crop top that actually fit me well.

After she was finished with my clothes my mom started on my make up.

"No make up" i demanded.

"Too bad so sad" was all she said before she continued. She gave my my eyes an smoky eyed effect and gave me a little blush with pink lip stick.

With my green eyes it looked perfect. My mom smiled at her work then put the bracelets she took out from the cabinet and put it on my wrist.

"Perfect! Beautiful!" she ranted.

I looked in the mirror and looked at the stranger in the mirror.

I asked my self " accept your new life and move on...but exactly how?"

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