6. new school, new bad boy

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When mom got finished with my hair, we went downstairs to eat breakfast.

But i was not able to because we found out i was going to be late on my first day of school. She hurriedly pushed me, no more like shove me, into the car.

She drove with speed i did not know she had and we finally were infront of the school.

"Ok, remember your beautiful and smart, no one tells my baby different". She smiled genuinley.

I nodded while saying "see you at home?"

"Of course"

I nodded again and closed the car door and ran into the building front office.

"Hi my name is sapphire dawson, im new here" i told the receptionist who looks to be in her mid forties.

She smiled gingerly and took out textbooks with a schedule.

"Follow me" she kindly said.

She carried the things with her but the nice person i am took some away from her and carried things also.

"You didn't have to do that" she said surprised.

"It's my stuff, why would i have you do it for me? Im not rich nor special, so treat me like an ordinary kid" i assured her.

"Ok, your really different,you are surprisingly kind and sweet, i thought you were gonna be those-those-"

"Sluts who thinks there high maintenance?"

"Yeah like that" she smiled shyly.

"No, my mom dressed me this way, had no choice but to comply" i grinned as i remember her happy face.

"You must have a close relationship with your mother" she said with admiration.

"To be honest, we were at odds, i hated her but i realized im hurting her more than she hurt me, so i forgave her, we are working on our relationship" i said.

"Its good you patched up with her, or you won't forgive yourself if something happens" .

I nodded and she stopped by a locker.

"This will now be yours, here is the map and schedule for your classes."

She looked at my schedule and said."your first class is biology honors, with mr.anderson. I'll take you there".

I nodded as she showed me my locker code and that I'll have a tour guide when its lunch time.

I keep nodding my head as if im a bobble head and finally she took me towards my first class.

"Good luck and have a good day mrs dawson" she said kindly.

"Sapphire please, my mom is mrs.dawson" i grinned as she laughed.

"Ok" she walked away and i know she has a smile on her face.

I took a deep breath and opened the doors so i can step in.

The person i assume is mr.anderson says "welcome, are you my new girl".

I nodded and said "yes i am sir"

"Oh you insult me, just call me anderson, mrs.dawson".

"Oh you insult me, just call me sapphire" i said mocking him. The class snickers and giggles while mr.anderson nods as if he is ....accepting me?

Must be my imagination.

After standing here looking dumbfounded, i asked "so do i need to introduce myself or keep standing here like a total moron".

He blinked as if he was caught off guard and said" introduce your self".
He went to sit down in his chair and looked towards me expectantly.

"Hi my name is sapphire dawson, i was born in washington, i was the captain of the track team and a president of the student concil, i like the color blue and im basically a nerd" i joked on the end.

All the students smiled, some whistled and some grinned but one kid was asleep.

"Well thank you captain sapphire" he sardonically said.

" you can take that seat next to sleeping beauty over there" he nodded towards the boy who was sleeping, i bit back a grin and nodded.

I sat at the seat and the boy who was asleep woke up and rubbed his eyes.

"Ah sleeping beauty is awake, your prince is here, introduce your self clinton" he smiled sarcasticly.

He shrugged and looked around for his so called prince, he didn't look towards me so i know he thinks no one is sitting next to him.

"I see no prince, andrew" he said sleep creeping in on his voice.

"Oh i mean't princess, she is sitting next to you, she woke a sleeping beauty from her long slumber, don't you just love her" mr.andrew gave a cheeky grin towards me.

He seemed comfused or atleast i thought cause i can't see his face but eventually he turned towards me, and raised an eyebrow.

Oh shit, mr.gorgeous is clinton! Oh gosh, how can i forget those pale blue eyes and perfectly tanned skin, no, he is trouble sapphire! Off limits.

He smirked as he notice me check him out.

"Well my princess sure is unique, how can she be a princess when she is not even pretty" he joked.

The whole class laughed and snickered, and anger begin sweep inside me.

"How could you be sleeping beauty, when you look more like denzel Washington then a beauty" i snapped.

His smirk falters as everyone laughs harder some saying nice, some just laughing like there is no tommorow.

He glared at me and I shrugged and give him a "what? You started it" look.

"This means war, just so you know" he snapped.

I smirked " game on". Mr.anderson said "keep your fights away from this class" he added playfully.

As if nothing happened the class went back to focusing on work and i actually enjoyed class.

After class he dismissed us, i got my schedule and looked to see what my next class is.

Ass face decided to snoop and took it out of my hands and start to look at it, i glared at him as he smirked down at me then looked at my schedule.

"Yeah of course you can look at my schedule, i don't mind at all" i said sarcastically. He rolled his eyes and continue scanning my schedule ignoring my deadly glare.

"We have four classes together" he said grinning.

"So..who cares" i said.

"Right who cares, just know the war started and i will win" he cockily replied.

"No i will , i always do" i replied with just as much of arrogance as him.

"Will see, if i win you have to do anything i want, if you win then i will do what ever you want, like be a slave for two months" he said with a daring gaze.

"Hmm ....deal" i smiled evily as i planned my next move.

My first day here and i already made war on somebody, i grinned even more at the thought.

"Well my name is blake clinton and lets get this game on shall we." he held out his hand to shake mine.

I hesitantly put my hand in his and soon regretted it when he pulled it and put me against him, he whispered seductively in my ear " i plan on using that prize so just know i won't go easy on you".

I shivered and my breath hitched. Now i wish i did not take that stupid dare.

I pulled away to recall whats happened.

A new school, new bad boy happened!!

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