Chapter Twenty Seven

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Jae's P.O.V.

My heart, unbelievably, is still beating fast from the heated kiss with Niall, which was over an hour ago. I haven't seen him since, seeing as I was busy talking to the piglike idiot Office Warren. 

"Are ye sure it was the same Marc feller?" he asks for the billionth time.

I don't even bother to hide it as I roll my eyes. "Of course!" 

He mutters under his breath and scribbles something on his clipboard. I fold my arms, tapping my foot as he continues to run through his questions again. 

"Can I please go to sleep?" I say finally, interrupting Warren mid-sentence.

He glances up at me with bloodshot eyes. "What?"

"Me. Go. Sleep." I repeat slowly. "I just got almost raped and you guys've been interrogating me for ever. I'd like to sleep!"

El steps in, setting her hand on my shoulder. "Officer, she's right. Poor Jae here has been through a lot in the past 24 hours, and I'm sure she needs her rest, if you don't mind, and I'm sure you won't, seeing as your such an understanding officer." she babbles quickly.

Caught off guard, Warren barely has time to protest before Eleanor whisks me away, both of us giggling at the stupified look on his face as we scamper upstairs towards my room. Sitting on my bed, El pats the place next to her, gesturing for me to sit.

I do, and she turns towards me, gripping my hands tightly in hers as she speaks.

"So, whats going on between you and Niall? I know something happened between you guys when I came in earlier."

I blush, glancing away. She squeezes my hands, urging me to tell her.

"We, err, we kissed...once or twice. Or maybe three times..." I flush even brighter as El starts squealing and bouncing up and down on the bed.


"El, El, hush, keep it down would you! Don't advertise it to the whole apartment!"

"I totally knew you guys were going to be a couple! Gosh, I ship you two so much!" she whisper-screams, still bouncing excitedly.

I smile. "Jiall?"

Eleanor smirks. "Perfect! Oh, I have to tweet this!"

"No, no, no! El, wait. You have to hear me out. We're not exactly... a couple."

El stops, her face falling like a child told that they couldn't watch TV for the rest of the week. "What? Why not?"

I sigh heavily. "It's really...complicated."

"I can keep up." she assured me, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.

I took a deep breath and started to talk. "Niall kissed me first, a few days ago on the balcony. Then he apologized and ran away. And earlier today, Harry found me crying just before Nate found me, and he kissed me, and I freaked out and ran away. Then, today, Niall came in and started talking about the kiss. I interrupted and said that it was a mistake, and he said 'the opposite' and then kissed me. It was sooooo cute!" I took a moment to fangirl with her. 

"So I have no idea how to deal with Harry and Niall, because I think I might like both of them, and its just so god damn confusing!!" I drop my head into my hands.

"Aww, Jae," El wrap her arms around me, hugging me close as I took deep, steadying breaths. 

"It's just... I mean, I'd never even had my first kiss before Niall," I say into her shoulder.

She tuts softly. "You poor thing," she murmurs, rocking me softly. "You'll have to decide, you know that?"

I groan. "Yes," I admit reluctantly. "It's just...I can't put their friendship at jeopardy like that."

"Oh, sweet, there's nothing you can do about that. Niall and Harry won't let anything come between them, you should know that."

I swallow down a lump in my throat and smile gratefully at Eleanor. "Thank you," I say sincerely. 

She smiles back. "Anytime, sweet. Now, are you going to get some sl-"

"Jae, Eleanor!" Louis bursts into the room, his eyes red and puffy. 

"Lou?" Eleanor turns, her face worried. "What's wrong? What happened?"

"It's-it's Niall." he stammers, wiping his eyes. "He's gone. And when I phoned him...Nate picked up."

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