Chapter Twenty Eight

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Niall's P.O.V.

I wake up with a pounding headache. The light filtering in through my eyelids is watery and grey, and, with a sudden start, I remember what happened. Jerking completely awake, I open my eyes and survey where I am. 

I'm somewhere in the city, still. I can hear cars and people nearby, and I can smell an almost overpowering stench of garbage. Turning my head, I can see a dumpster just behind me, overflowing with disgusting trash. Groaning at the pain in my head, I attempt to stand up, but quickly realize that my hands are tied tightly behind my back. Another rope is wrapped around my neck - not tight enough to kill me, but enough to press into my skin so I know it's there. The rope around my neck is tied off to a pole, chaining me like a dog. A disgusting-tasting gag is shoved into my mouth, rendering me helpless.

I groan, looking around for the psycho that kidnapped me. Suddenly, I remember why he seemed familiar - he exactly matched Jae's description of her captor, Nate!

Oh, shit, shit, shit, I think, terror making my heart beat faster. I start to struggle against my bonds, trying unsuccessfully to scream through my gag. 

"Oh, lookie here! The little popstar is awake!" the cold, mocking voice made me shudder. 

Nate stepped into view, a cruel smile twisting his features. "This is just too perfect. You just stumbled right into me, you stupid bastard! I didn't even have to do any work at all."

I yell obscenities through the gag, but it just comes out as a garbled grunt. "Aww, is itty bitty Niall scared?" he asks in a baby voice, kneeling down beside me. 

"Don't worry, though. Soon enough you'll be out of here, and I'll be back with Jae."

An almost wistfull smile makes his eyes glaze over. "She is something, isn't she? The sound of her screams, the fear in her eyes...There's nothing quite like it, I think."

My eyes widen and I'm filled with terror and repulsion. Jae! He's talking about my Jae! That filthy bastard will never get his hands on her! Never!

Just as I form the thought, I hear Jae's voice. 

"Nate?! Nate, you scheming ass, I'm here! Like you asked!"

I shout again, trying to warn her away, but Nate is already standing up. In the corner of my vision, I see Jae approach, holding a kitchen knife tightly in one hand and her phone in the other. 

"Oh, Niall!" she cries when she sees me. "Niall, are you okay? Did he hurt you?"

No, but he's going to hurt you! I wriggle like mad, trying to convey that she needs to get away now. 

"Listen, I got your messages. I'll give myself up, and you let Niall go, okay?" She's speaking to Nate now, her voice quivering but firm nonetheless. 

"That was the deal, sweetheart." says Nate, triumph etched in his every word. "And as soon as I hear a single siren or see somebody suspicious, poor little Niall's insides will be...outside." A huge, glinting knife appears in his hand and he starts to flip it carelessly, watching Jae like a hawk as he does so.

"No! Stay away from him!" She says, starting forward. With an obvious effort, she stops herself. "It's not him you want, anyway. It's me. And I'll go with you, willingly, but first you have to cut Niall loose."

Nate smirked. "And how do I know you won't run away?"

Jae has obviously thought about this. "I'm going to come over there. With this knife," she waggles it in the air, "I'm going to cut Niall free. And then, once he's free, I'll drop the knife."

Nate grins triumphantly. "You'll be too close to me to get away...Sounds good."

Slowly, shaking all over, Jae starts forward. There is unadulterated fear in her shining blue eyes, but determination as well. I wish that she wasn't so brave - then she wouldn't be here, about to hand herself over to a madman. 

"If you touch me," says Jae suddenly, as Nate takes a step towards her, "I will call the police. All I have to do is press this button." she holds up her phone. 

Nate's face twists into a mask of hate and, grudgingly, he steps back so that a few feet separate the two again as she edges towards me. 

"Oh, Niall," she whispers, falling to her knees beside me. 

Frantically, I yell through the gag, and she takes the hint and yanks it out before starting to saw at the rope around my neck.

"Are you insane!?" I hiss, keeping my eyes trained on Nate, who is watching hungrily from a few feet away. "Get out of here, Jae! Leave me and save yourself!"

A tear trails down her cheek. "I can't do that to you, Niall. Not after all you have done for me. I won't - no, I can't repay you by leaving you to die. The things he texted me, the things he said he would do to you if I didn't come..." her voice breaks and I wish I could hug her. 

Finally, the rope around my neck snaps and she starts on the one binding my wrists. "Once this breaks, you need to run, okay? Don't let my sacrifice be in vain, Niall. If you stay, he'll just kill us both."

The pain in my heart swells for this stupidly brave girl who is willing to risk her life to save me. "Jae, I can't... I can't leave you," my voice cracks and my eyes water. Suddenly, my wrists are free, the knife is clattering to the ground and Jae pushes me to my feet, shoving me away from her.

"Go, Niall!" she yells. "Run!" 

As I stumble away, I turn to see Nate grab her from behind, putting the knife to her neck and grabbing her flailing arms. 

"Keep going, pretty boy," he snarls. "Or she gets it."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2019 ⏰

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