Ch 3: We're alright

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Based on "The Same Boat"

Michonne's P.O.V

Rick took charge and hurried us into the RV.
The saviors were back at it again, and this time they took the wrong people.

This time, I crowded in the back of the RV with Glenn, Heath and Abraham and Sasha. Daryl rode his bike and Rosita, Tara and father Gabriel rode in the truck. Abraham and Rosita still weren't talking so we let him ride with us and he didn't seem to have problem being seated with Sasha.

The guy we were putting up for a trade, sat up front with Rick.
I wanted to sit up front with him, but I know this wasn't a good time..

As Rick stared ahead, flouring the RV, looking like he was meant to be in Fast& the Furious, Glenn sat in the back hyperventilating.

I sat beside him and placed my hand on his shoulder, "Glenn?"

He didn't answer, his body was shaking and he looked like the angriest man in the world.

"Glenn, calm down --"

"They got her. I can't calm down." he gritted his teeth and I wanted to eek in pain.

"Look, Maggie is strong and Carol is too. I'm sure they can take care of themselves, and if they can't, we will." I assured him

"I know, I just- - I don't want them to hurt her... Or the baby." he began to wipe his eyes that were filling with tears.

"Glenn, she's alright, the baby's alright. Okay? You have to listen to me." I pat his shoulder as he sobbed quietly

"How do you know?"

How did I know? ... That's the thing... I don't.
What if they are sending Maggie and Carol off to some other place.. What if they killed them already..? can't think like that.

"I know because we're alright."
I pat his shoulder one last time and got up to walk to the front of the RV.

Rick was so focused and angry he didn't realize I was behind him.

I ran my fingers up his neck and through his hair, causing him to jump a little.

He didn't look back though, he didn't even smile.

I bent down to his ear and whispered,
"Did I tell you how proud of you I am? Well, I am, a lot. I believe in you Rick, you can do this.. We can do this."

I ran my hand down the side of his neck and unto his shoulder.
It took him awhile to process what I just but when he did, he leaned his head over and kissed my hand.

"Thank you." he whispered

I smiled and walked back to the back, met by Glenn anxiously staring out the window, and Sasha examining Abraham's cut.

When we got to the place, we weren't sure what was going to go down, but we all got out and stood our guard.

I tried to stay close to Rick just incase someone wanted to try something, but he seemed to ignore me and play his role as leader.

We busted through the door and saw Carol and Maggie just standing there.

We all sighed in relief when Maggie told us they killed them, I knew they could handle themselves.

Maggie ran over and hugged Glenn and Carol and Daryl had a moment.. Which made me really happy that they were happy again

While the lovers were reunited, my lover stood in front, aiming a gun at the mans head.

"Sorry it had to come to this."

That was the last thing I heard Rick say before all I saw was blood.

Sorry for such a shitty short chapter! There wasn't any Richonne this episode and I try to stick to the Episodes as much as possible so I had to imagine.

But anyway, although I didn't get my weekly dose of Richonne, I got some Caryl.

Good news!! I made another Richonne book that will have longer chapters and I'll be updating everyday or every two days (since I'm on spring break) it has 2 chapters out right now but expect a new chapter (maybe two) tmrw so check it out!

Alsooooo I heard we will get a team family scene (rick, carl, Judith and michonne) and a richonne scene next episode! Who's excited!!!! I am but I really want a Sasha Abraham scene , I want to see them grow bc I'm such a fan and I would so write a fanfic on them. 😋

Follow my Instagram to see a glaggie and richonne video edit I made myself @twdfanfictionist_ if you do follow, comment "wattpad brought me" and I'll totally tell you which comic book character we'll see next episode!

Okay that's it for tonight guys, much love as always,

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