Ch1: Acceptance

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(Sorry in advance!! Really long chapter bc this is the kickstart.)

Rick's P.O.V

"Rick," I heard a small voice echo in the back of my head as I slept.
I ain't slept this well in ages, god knows why.

"Rick, wake up!" the voice got a little louder and that's when I remember where I was and what had happened.

I jumped up in a hurry and grabbed my gun, as Michonne stood her guard as well with her katana.

We were both naked, aiming our weapons at the new guy, "Jesus".

"We need to talk." he said.

In the corner of my eye, I could see Michonne standing her ground. So tall and beautiful and gorgeous as a goddess.

Flashbacks from last night began to pop into my head,
I kissed her and I kissed her like I was drowning and she was my air.
And after that, I picked her up, carried her to the room and layed her down.

I remember staring at her for a while. She was so beautiful to me and I don't know why I began to freeze up.

She sat up and pulled me down by my tight blue shirt, ripping it, and kissing me, pulling me closer and closer.

And then the flashbacks were gone....

I placed my eyes back on Jesus, and watched him eye Michonne up and down.

"Hey!" I lifted my gun a little higher at him, grabbing his attention.

"Keep your eyes to yourself, and get out of here." I said

I tried to be as quiet as possible, I didn't want to wake the kids.

"Look, nothing I haven't seen before and trust me, nothing I want," he looked at Michonne and mouthed 'sorry' then back at me, "I just wanna talk."

This time, Michonne spoke, "Give us time to change. You can wait downstairs, Just don't wake the kids." she said

Jesus nodded at us and trotted backwards, "see you there."

When Jesus left, it was just Michonne and I.

Man it was so awkward.

"help me find my clothes." she demanded.

Michonne has never really been the type to ask, she always tells me to move, or do this or do that, But that's okay because know she means well.

We looked for her clothes, and found only her shirt, so I threw her my pants and told her to put them on.

"Thank you." she whispered
I wanted to kiss her. I did. God, she was so beautiful.

I froze again and this time she noticed, "Rick, lets go. He's down there doing only God knows what."

Right! I grabbed a sheet and wrapped it around my waist and ran out the room.....

Only to be met by my son..pointing a gun at Jesus' head.

Atta boy! But nooo,

I looked back to make sure Michonne was okay and fully dressed.

"Hey, carl, um." I couldn't speak.

My mouth started getting dry at the way he looked at me. He looked angry. I wouldn't blame him. I kinda just had se-- amazing sex, with his best friend.

A few seconds later, I heard more footsteps. And there was the whole town almost, staring up at naked me and half dressed michonne.

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