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i hope i don't confuse y'all with the changing of the names from louis to carmen all the time. just know that whenever i use the name carmen, that i'm referring to LOUIS.  i hope that makes some sense, you'll learn more about when and why i use the name carmen in certain parts later on in the fic. also, quick side note that there will be minor scenes with lilo, zouis, and nouis. it's nothing too major, and larry will always be the main ship. i hope y'all don't let that stop you from reading !!

WITH his lovely pink lips, which are shiny with spit, wrapped tightly around a small strawberry flavored lollipop, Louis somehow manages to make the act of desperation appear alluring. 

His cheeks are skillfully hallowed around the piece of candy, his eyelashes elongated so naturally that they touch the very fine hairs of his eyebrows. Some caramel strands of hair boyishly fall in between his wide, blue eyes that hold so much innocence and impurity all at once. 

He's the absolute definition of a walking contradiction. 

Short legs dangling off of Mr. Payne's desk, he quirks an eyebrow at the older man, but not before popping the lollipop out of his mouth, the sound echoing throughout the vast office space. 

"Are you ever going to say anything or are you just going to keep on staring at me, mister?" Louis finally inquires, his tone slightly teasing when he calls the man the pet name, but still not faltering from sounding any least bit of seductive. "Y'know, I really was hoping that I was actually going to get laid. I could use the extra cash, but I mean, I suppose ditching school to meet up with you was rather pointless, since you've barely said three words to me within the last fifteen minutes."

Mr. Payne's tanned cheeks flush nervously, and he awkwardly scratches the back of his hot neck. "I-I'm sorry," he murmurs, and God, he looks hot enough to rival a Greek God, with the way his form fitting button up stretches across his broad shoulders. "I've never done anything like this before. And all the guys always say that you're the best, that it's better than fucking a girl, and I just... I've never cheated on my wife before, let alone fuck a boy."

"Oh," Louis says, a bright grin beginning to tug on the edges of his lips. "It's alright, Mr. Payne, I promise that I'll go easy on 'ya. If you don't like it, or feel uncomfortable, just tell me and we can stop there."

They're inside of Mr. Payne's large office, which is situated on the very top floor of Payne Enterprises, the headquarters for Mr. Payne and his father's business. The building is located in Manhattan, meaning that Louis did have to take the subway from Brooklyn just for this occasion. Mr. Payne specifically ordered for his personal assistant not to bother him for several hours.

Anxiously toying with his wedding ring, Mr. Payne eventually gives Louis a slow nod, taking the lollipop from the boy's hands and throwing the last bit of it into the trash can that's placed beside his desk. He gently picks up the boy up off of the desk and places him into his lap, and within seconds, Louis' lips are on his, the taste of strawberry lingering on his tongue.

"Fuck, Carmen, " Mr. Payne groans, grabbing a fistful of short locks, and with that, Louis already has the man like putty in his very own, tiny hands. 


LOUIS leaves the office nearly an hour afterwards, with a small ache burning at his core, the breathy moans of "Carmen" continuously reflecting throughout his head, and the feeling of his pockets slightly weighed down because he just stuffed a large wad of cash into them.

Once the deed is done, leaving is probably the hardest part.

And maybe it's stupid of him, and it's probably something that many adults would expect of him, since he's just an immature, directionless teenager. But the thing is - he can't help it.

CARMEN, with his glamorous lifestyle that involves getting to fuck handsome older men and drinking luxurious, expensive wine delivered all the way from France, is a stark contrast to LOUIS; a schoolboy whose pathetic idea of being rebellious is skipping chemistry class to get high with his friends behind the school building, or who only ever gets excited when he's standing on a stage or running out on a field. 

So, leaving is definitely the hardest part of it all, because he goes from being craved for to just being some kid


He never was supposed to enjoy being a prostitute, in the first place.

It was supposed to be a very last option, since no matter how many jobs he could manage to juggle, the money was just not enough. But now, after being Carmen, Louis earns more in just one night after being with some rich business man, than he did with four different jobs in a month.

But, New York is expensive, and living with heaps of siblings and having only a single mother isn't something that's exactly cheap, so Louis knew that he couldn't just sit around and watch his family practically destroy themselves, when he could easily help them all out.

His mother pretends that she doesn't know, but it's evident that she has her suspicions. After all, what kind of job would be able to provide a few hundreds within just a few hours?

Louis finally gets home, but he's right out the door once again, since he only came to quickly change out of his school's uniform and into what he usually wears when being Carmen; which is usually some type of ensemble involving a tight, short skirt and some kind of crop top. Tonight, he's wearing a tight, black - spandex like skirt that has a slit up the side, a dark red crop top, and a black faux fur jacket over it, something that he managed to splurge on when he realized he had just some spending money. And, to top it all off, his tiny feet are wedged into his same old pair of shoes.


Louis is walking around his usual corner, glossed lips wide as he forms a seductive smile at one of his usual customers, who is simply just walking by. Niall has always been a man with good manners.

The blue eyed adult returns Louis' smile, but shakes his head as if to silently say that he isn't planning on fucking for tonight. And with that, the male continues to walk down the street. He's walking rather fast, as if there's something after him. 

Letting out a reluctant sigh of disappointment, Louis is ready to turn and begin walking towards the night club since he seems to be getting zero business tonight outside, but a black Range Rover suddenly pulls up the corner.

It's an unfamiliar car, and Louis can't help but to break character and allow a wide grin to grace his features, since he knows that he's got a good shot at getting yet another new, regular customer. The passenger window rolls down slowly, and although it'd dark outside, Louis can somewhat make out the male's face that's sitting in the driver's seat, while the passenger seat is empty.

Lowering his gaze and biting his lesser lip, the sentence that Louis was about to form is cut off by the stranger's voice. And what he says next definitely isn't what Louis was expecting. 

"How old are you, exactly?" The stranger inquires, his mass of dark brown curls piled onto the top of his head to create a bun. "You barely even look fifteen, and that really isn't okay. Who's your pimp?"

Louis' cheeks immediately flush a bright red, blue eyes widened in shock. "I-I don't have a pimp," is all that escapes his mouth, voice shaky and uneasy, and far from how Carmen would ever act. "And excuse me, but how old are you, sir? What I'm doing is none of your business, and I can practically see your boner from nearly a mile away. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to find some real customers."

The man lets out a loud, patronizing laugh as he shakes his head, some chocolate curls escaping his bun as he does so. If he wasn't so obnoxious, Louis would probably find him incredibly attractive. "It's none of my business?" He scoffs in between chuckles, and immediately, he pulls out an FBI badge. "Now get in the fucking car, Louis, I'm doing this for your own safety."

word count - 1.4k

i hope y'all enjoyed this !! it will involve some action and such, seeing as harry is in the fbi, but you'll just have to figure out all the rest by continuing to read. i promise to you guys that it will get super smutty and fun and all that good stuff. please, please, please vote and comment if you liked this because then i'll actually keep on updating !! 

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