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i love this chapter. a lot. louis' character is so fucking cute in this fic, i'm literally so in love with him.

Louis kind of hates Harry Styles.

He absolutely despises the male, with his stupidly huge hands that could easily pick Louis up if he ever wished to do so, and how he somehow manages to make the innocent act of chewing gum look intimidating. He always either has the same stoic, blank expression on his face, or an annoyingly dumb smirk that only lasts a few quick seconds.

Having him practically follow Louis around to the point where it's borderline creepy just makes matters even worse. Louis can't even try to talk to any of his customers during the day, because nearly the second he unlocks his phone, Harry is peering over his shoulder and staring intently at the screen with scrunched eyebrows and a knowing look on his face.

Half of his face hidden by a book, which he isn't even actually reading, Louis' bright blue eyes carefully study Harry's frame. The older man is leaning against a bookshelf, seeing as they are inside of the local library, and just the sight of him is enough to irritate Louis.

"Don't you, like, have a life of your own?" Louis inquires, immediately adverting his gaze back to the book, pretending that he's still reading the random piece of shit. "I mean, truthfully, I think you 'ought to just leave me alone. I really don't see anyone trying to kill me right now, so can't you just skedaddle?

"Yes, I do have a life of my own," is all that Harry responds, and Louis can practically hear him rolling his eyes in annoyance at the foolish boy. "Just so you know, your book is upside down."

He's so rude

Louis' face flushes a bright red as he flips the book around, fringe getting caught in between his eyes. "I was simply trying out a new method of reading," he lies, his face hot. "You should try it sometime. It really helps exercise the brain."

"Oh, I'm sure," Harry snorts, flicking a curl behind his shoulder dramatically. 

The black t-shirt that he's wearing hugs against his chest, revealing all of the pretty tattoos that are permanently etched into the skin of his biceps. Louis can feel his face getting even more redder as he inspects the male, arousal simmering low in the deep pit of his belly. He's being absolutely dumb right now, thinking these thoughts about such an annoying person, but he can't help it. He bites downwards onto his lower lip as he imagines himself getting down on his knees for Harry right this very second, in this library, hidden behind the numerous bookshelves.


"I can feel you staring," Harry states, his voice emotionless, still staring ahead at the wall in front of him. 

"I don't know what you're talking about," Louis responds, yet a playful grin toys on the edges of his lips. "Don't be delusional, Harry."


Harry somehow manages to follow Louis everywhere.

Louis doesn't even understand one single bit of it. With just a wide grin and a quick wink, the man succeeds in nearly charming just about everyone. He's convinced Louis' mother that the school has assigned him to be Louis' "Peer Coach," which Louis isn't even sure is an actual thing. And if it is, then it definitely has a different meaning than whatever Harry has made up. So, with that excuse, he's inside of Louis' house whenever Louis is at home. He follows Louis around the school, and Louis doesn't even want to know what kind of outrageous lie the man has mustered up to get inside of it, and he tags along if Louis wants to hang out with friends.

The most awkward part about the whole thing is that Harry barely says anything during the whole day. He's usually silent, for the most part, and it causes Louis to get concerned looks whenever he's walking in the hallway at school with some older giant following behind him.

Louis' positively sure that if you looked up the word "killjoy" in the dictionary, that below, you'd find a photograph of Harry Styles. 

Because honestly, Louis doubts that someone would try to attack him in the middle of the yogurt shop. Whenever an unusual male that seem just the slightest bit suspicious to Harry comes within five feet of Louis, he's immediately prepared to fight someone. One time, he even acted that way with one of Louis' male teachers.

He's ridiculous.

But, despite how annoying Harry can be, it doesn't stop Louis from being attracted to him. But hey, he can't help it. It's just natural, y'know, his hormones just acting up a bit. It's not his fault that Harry looks like sex on legs whenever he wears a form fitting, short shirt that shows off all of his nicely shaped muscles and hot tattoos.

So, during the middle of Algebra, Louis thought up a brilliant plan. Okay, so it's probably not that brilliant, but he was tired of solving equation after equation, so he zoned out for just a little bit. Harry was standing in his usual position, standing by the door, and Louis couldn't stop himself from staring at the protruding bulge in Harry's tight jeans. 

And that's when he thought of making a plan of seduction! It seemed perfect to Louis, and although he's not sure if Harry even is into boys like that, he knows that he'll find out soon enough. He's pretty sure that he's caught Harry staring at his ass at least once before, so there is just the slightest possibility.

It'll be hard to get the man out of defense mode for more than ten seconds, but Louis is determined, which he thinks is good enough.

this is short, i know, don't hate me. sorry for not updating in forever, but i really want y'all to comment more, bc it lets me know your opinions, which are super important to me !! also, just a heads up that i'm not planning on making this fic super long. i'm thinking like 12-ish chapters, at the most, because it's meant to be kinda fast paced and such. and i personally hate writing slow fics, they just seem so uninteresting to me, lmfao. i barely proof read this, so just ignore any mistakes for now !! i plan on editing this once it's finished. please, please, PLEASE vote and let me know your thoughts !! it means so much to me. love y'all to pieces.



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