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Four years later...

My luggage is ready. I look around at my room. My empty, lifeless room. I exhale and tears threaten my eyes. No! No, no, no tears, girl! This is a good thing! Yes! Great! ...Great...

I leave my room and my heels click as I walk down the hallways I grew up in. I watch in wonder the paintings and vases decorating the long corridor, saying goodbye to them. I look down the railing. Two maids walk from the west wing to the east wing and they see me. "Good morning, Miss Phoebe." They say together and I smile and wave at them. "Have the guests arrived?" I ask them. "No' ma'am. But your parents are in the backyard as we speak." I nod and they leave. I'm careful as I walk down the stone steps and finally reach the entrance hall. I look up at the chandelier as I wander to the east wing.

I somehow end up in front of the old music room. Dad's piano is still there. So is Gail's gramophone. It doesn't work anymore, though. I stroll towards the piano and sit on the stool and raise the lid. I decide to play Desperado. The notes fill the room as I play slowly, and I slowly bob my head to the soft music. The music consumes me, forming once more a force field around me. But I'm in peace. Only beautiful memories in this room, in this house flash in my mind. From the first time I walked the halls of this house, to now as I play the last song on this old piano. I play the last notes and I sigh, as I listen to the sound slowly fade into the air.

"Too sad." I hear behind me and I turn. A man in khaki's and a sweater vest is leaning against the door with his arms crossed. His groomed stubble is much more noticeable now. God, please don't let him shave, ever. "You're here." I smile widely and stand. "Of course I'm here. What are you, crazy? It's my baby sister's birthday." he strolls towards me and hugs me tightly. "I'm not a baby anymore, Ted." I pout and he chuckles lightly. "I know. You're all grown up now. Grown up and off to Uni." He says, then cups my chin up. "Are you sure you have to go all the way over there?" He says in a last minute attempt to convince me. I smile sadly and nod.

"Well, God knows I tried." He sighs and hugs me, as he kisses my head. He's still so much more taller than me despite my heels. "You'll always be my baby sister." He whispers and tears threaten my eyes. I try change the subject. "So!" I grin. "Where's Mrs. Grey?" I wiggle my eyebrows and he rolls his eyes. "She's with my boy. They'll be here soon. Mom and Dad?"

- "Backyard. Let's go." I wrap my arms around his elbow and head to the west wing.

Dad is watching Mom direct the men putting the chairs and the Marquee for the gathering. He's casually drinking a beer with his other hand in his pocket. Ted whistles at him and he turns. "Sup, silver fox!" Ted calls out and Dad frowns. "Can you start calling me old man again?" Dad says and we laugh. "Mom!" Ted cups his hands around his mouth and she turns and smiles.

The party starts and everyone begins to arrive. Sophie and her newest beau show up. He's so much younger than her. Aunt Kate and Uncle Elliott show up with Ava, Kurt and their son. Channel, Janis and Lindsay arrive, and Terrance after. He and I are good friends now. Absolutely platonic. He rebelled against marrying Sarah and he was disowned, so he lives on his own as one of Dad's employees. He's never been happier, he says.

Aunt Mia and Uncle Ethan show up, and say that James will show up soon. And soon, he does.

Ted says something that makes me laugh, and I double take when I see him standing on the porch. He's in summer casual wear, handsome as always. I smile and wave and so does he. She comes to view to and I wave at her, too.

James' fiance.

She smiles sweetly and they make their way down. "Happy birthday, Phoebs." James hugs me and I hug him back. "Thank you." I smile at them both. "Hey, Rudy says happy birthday too!" I pout. "Aw, Rudy. How sweet. I'll miss him."

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