[A/N: I'm trash and I made the most confusing family tree for this all, if anyone wants to see it lmao. Bc yes, I'm using the S-Supports from my game and, don't worry. Marc/Morgan isn't the only twin duo to appear :^)]
Gabrielle wasn't expecting her daughter to ever ask about her father. She'd thought the girl had forgotten all about the nights Gabrielle had stayed up crying over her failed love life.
So when Kana approached her, she didn't think anything of it.
"Mama," she kicked at the floor with a frown, "I have a question."
"What is it sweetie?" She turned to her daughter with a small smile. "Don't be shy now."
"Who's my papa, anyway?"
Gabrielle didn't know what to say. Why was her interest piqued again? She was usually so distracted. She would pick flowers or go play around with her friend Percy... Now she was asking about her father? This wasn't going to be good.
She didn't want to explain to her daughter what had happened with her father, but she deserved to know, right? Kana deserved to know who her father was.
"Well sweetie, his name is..."
"Mother!" The brown haired girl leapt at Francesca, giving her no time to react. "Marc and I had a question to ask you."
"Oh, did you now?" She gave a small smile. "I thought you too were too grown-up to ask your parents questions."
"No way!" Morgan gave a pout. "We can still ask you questions!"
"Yeah! Like..." Marc swallowed hard. "Who exactly is our grandfather? You and father always seem to talk about him in a...not very nice way."
Of course they had to ask about Validar. Even after she and Frederick had been so careful in keeping knowledge about him away from their kids... Why did they have to catch on.
"Sit down kid," she sighed and did what she asked of them herself, "there's a lot to tell you, if you really want to know."
"We do!" Marc gave a small nod and took a seat himself, his sister following suit. "So, what's his name."
"His name...?" She hummed. "Well, it's kind of ridiculous, but..."

What's the Truth?
FanfictionKana just wanted to know who her dad was. Morgan and Marc just wanted to know about their mother's side of the family. Why did those little wants cause so many issues? [Modern FEA/FEF AU, most characters to appear]