[A/N: /Avoids father's name even tho it's prolly super obvious by now]
Kanna looked out the window with a pout, bouncing in his seat. Why was his papa making him move away from his friends? It just wasn't fair! So what if his papa was old, he should force Kanna to go live in an old-person neighborhood with him.
"Papa, I don't wanna go!" He whined, placing his head on the glass of the window. "I'll be bored living with a bunch of old people!"
"Now Kanna," His papa glanced back, "I never said we were moving somewhere like that."
"Huh?" Kanna's brow furrowed. "What do you mean Papa?"
"The neighborhood we're moving to should have plenty of children around your age and is just far enough from bad influences that it's perfect." He replied with a small sigh. "Please, don't worry about it."
"But Papa, what do you mean by bad influence?"
"You don't need to worry about that."
Kanna gave a huff and crossed his arm. "You never tell me anything!"
"That's because you're too young to worry about it all. Leave the details to me." His papa replied.
"...Fine!" He turned his head to glare at the back of his papa's seat. "Can we at least stop and get food? I'm hungry!"
"Alright, as soon as I see a good place to stop and eat we will."
It wasn't long before Kanna's papa had found a place for them to stop at to get a bite. It was simple fast food restaurant, nothing expensive, but not a bad place either. The little boy was in fact excited. He never got to go to fast food places usually.
He bolted as soon as his papa let him down, running into the restaurant at full-speed. When he got in there, he let out a shocked gasp, it was better than he imagined. So bright and colorful...plus there was an area for kids to go play.
"Papa, papa! Can I go play while you get us food?" He turned to his papa, eyes wide. "Please?"
His papa sighed. "Alright, just don't get into any trouble young man."
"I promise I won't!" And with that, Kanna rushed off to go play with the other kids. It was close enough to his new home that he might see some of them again, so he should play nice!
That's all the little eight year old was thinking about until he ran right into a little girl.
"Ow...sorry!" He rubbed his nose before peeking at the girl and letting out a gasp. She looked almost exactly like him! Same hair color, same eye color, the only difference was her hair was in a bun. "Whoa...!"
She finally looked at him and her mouth formed the shape of an "o," apparently she wasn't expecting that either.
"Are you my boy clone?" She asked, tilting her head to the side.
"I don't think so..." Kanna frowned. "Maybe...maybe we're twins!"
"Whoa!" The girl's eyes lit up. "That means you're with my papa? I wanna meet my papa!"
"Are you with my mama?" Kanna asked. "Cause I wanna meet her as much as you wanna meet Papa!"
"Let's go see!"

What's the Truth?
ФанфикKana just wanted to know who her dad was. Morgan and Marc just wanted to know about their mother's side of the family. Why did those little wants cause so many issues? [Modern FEA/FEF AU, most characters to appear]