March 10th, 2016

14 0 0

You know it's bad when it's 3 a.m and you're bawling into your pillow so no one can hear. Wondering why you were born and why you're still here. How life can be so cruel, so hard and unfair. Wondering if anything will change, or if a difference is near.

You know it's bad when you go to sleep crying each night, due to the inadequacy you feel, and broken heart you've survived. You cry and you plead hoping to a greater power, that the darkness and sorrow won't be there when you wake tomorrow.

You know it's bad when you know more frowns than smiles. When an unhappy feeling is all you remember. And you can't even being to think of what the warmth of his love felt like.

You know it's bad when you're drownings in tears and in fear that no one will listen, and no one will care. When all you want to do is cry and scream and tell someone, that deep down your soul is broken and that the smile you paste on, is only on the outside.

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