Chapter 23- Together (Part 2)

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Tay's POV-

I woke up with a really bad headache. But where was I? I was in a bunk, that's what I could tell. I opened the curtain. Tonight Alive's bus. There was a note where I could see it from Jenna.

Tay, I went to get you some medicine for your headache....cause I knew you would have one :) be back soon <3 -Jenna

I smiled and heard the tour bus door open. I got out of the bunk to see Jenna walking in.

"You read the note?" she smiled.

"Yes, it's much better than the last one I got." I replied, hugging her.

This hug seemed to last longer than last night. I closed my eyes and took it in, something I'd learned from Tonight Alive's BryanStars interview that they said it's easier to feel the hug that way.

We both pulled away and blushed. "Here's some medicine for your headache." she said, handing me the medicine and water.

"So how long have you been awake?" I asked.

"I haven't been awake that long. I didn't want you to be confused cause you fell or wonder where you are." she said.

"Thank you." I laughed. "I'm not confused about last night anymore."

"Do you remember what happened?"

"Yeah, Caroline hit me....she handed Jess a drink so she didn't care."

Jenna sighed. "That doesn't matter anymore. Thank you for sticking up for me."

"Thank you for sticking up for me." I smiled. I reached my hand across the table to her, where we'd been sitting.

She took my hand and our fingers interlocked.

Just then her phone buzzed. That thing always seemed to interupt our moments together.

She sighed and looked at it. "Great, now Caroline is going around the entire Warped Tour telling people what happened last night. Or, her version of what happened."

I sighed.

"Do you mind if I go talk to them?"

"What if something like what happened last night happens?"

"Then oh well. I just need to fix this. For us. For you." she smiled.

I smiled. "Okay."

Jess's POV-

I'll admit I was a little surprised when I opened the door to see Jenna standing there.

Then again, after what Caroline told me what happened last night I wasn't.

Caroline said Tay came over here and hit her. I didn't think Tay would do that, but I can't remember what happened last night other than opening the door for Tay.

"Hey Jenna." I said.

"Don't hey me." she replied. "I'm sorry. But can I talk to you?"

She started off explaining what happened. "Wait, Caroline lied to me."

"That's no surprise." she said. "However, you did post that video."

"Well why did you go to MeganSpeaks and tell her you hope we remain good friends? And that you have a new girlfriend?"

"It's not official." she said. "And you're the one that went to dinner with Caroline and the guys, then ignored me after that."

I sighed. "Okay. Look, the reason I've been like this is because Caroline got me into drugs. And drinking. You know I'd never do any of that to you. But I was really hurt when you said I made the video. It seemed logical then. I was wrong, and I'm sorry."

"Both of us have made mistakes." she said. "I'm sorry also."

"Come here." I said, pulling her in for a hug. She hugged me and when we pulled away I tried to kiss her, but she pulled away.

"This doesn't mean we're together." she said.

"So we're breaking up?" I asked.

"Yeah. Do you want to?"

"Yeah." I said. "Well, I mean...."

"Look, you've got Caroline. You seem happy with her."

"No, I'm not--"

"You haven't done anything to change it so how am I supposed to believe that?"

"But what about you?"

"I'm happy with who I've got." she said. "I've got a good girl with me."

"Who is it?"

"Bye, Jess." she said, walking to the door. "You aren't in my life enough anymore, otherwise you'd know who."

And she walked out the door.

Jenna's POV-

I went back to the Tonight Alive bus where Tay was watching TV. "How'd it go?" she asked.

I grabbed her hands and pulled her up and hugged her. "Perfect." I whispered.

She pulled away. "You okay?"

"I'm awesome." I said. I brushed the hair out of her eyes and cupped her face. I kissed her softly and gently, and she wrapped her arms around me.

"You did break up with her right? I don't want you to get in trouble."

"Yeah, I did." I said. I leaned my head against hers.

"I'm in love with you, Jenna."

Those words changed my life....forever.

Caroline's POV-

"Caroline please don't! Just let them be happy! You didn't want me with Jenna remember? Can't her and Tay just be happy together?" Jess asked me.

"No." I replied. I grabbed a baseball bat one of the guys had and walked to the door. "You'll see, you'll see it's not as easy as it seems."

I could hear her sobbing a little as I left and when I got to the bus I looked and saw no one was there. I opened it, and it was unlocked. I went in, did my work and left.

Jenna's POV-

I held Tay's hand and we laughed as we walked. We had left the bus to get some soda. "I forgot to lock the bus, I'll be right back." I said. I went back to the bus and went inside.

The place was trashed. And I'm not sure who did it, but they ruined everything in our bus.

there will be more to Together! :) hope you guys are having a good day. Thank you for reading :) -Sarah

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