Good Girl Turned Bad

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Blanket and I peeked into the living room only to see Dad kiss Tatiana Thumbtzen! "What the fuck Dad?!" I stormed into the room and ripped Tatiana off of him. She fell onto the floor in one clumsy move. I jumped on her and started punching away. "Paris!" Dad pulled me of her and held me back.

"YOU GOLD DIGGING WHORE! Stay away from my Dad!". Dad turned me around so that I was facing him. Our eyes met as he glared at me. "Paris Michael Katherine Jackson I have no idea what has gotten into you and boy you're going to pay for it. Now go to your room" he said that last part too calmly. I pounced across the room, stopping at the doorway. Dad helped a crying Tatiana of the floor and onto the sofa. "GET OUT PARIS!. I jumped a little and ran up the stairs, slamming my door.
A knock sounded at my door, it opened and unexpectedly Blanket walked in the room. "Hey Bigi" I cheered sarcastically. He sat at my desk, just staring. "Okay bro you're starting to freak me out". I chuckled and flipped through the fashion magazine sitting on the bed. "Dads not going to forgive you for this.....never". Blanket shook his head and walked out of the room.

One week later

I cracked open the studio door and saw Dad looking down at the control panel. "Hi Daddy" I walked in and put on my best "daddy's girl" act. "Paris, do you need anything?" He asked, still looking down. I enclosed the space between us and sat on the chair next to him. "I'm sorry for the other day with....Tatiana" I choked out her name. I resented that bitch ever since I heard that she kissed Dad onstage all those years ago....

"Well you can tell her that tomorrow night at dinner" he added, finally looking up at me. "That's great I'm sure.....wait WHAT!?". Dad raised an eyebrow at me before continuing. "I invited her to dinner so you can apologise. It was supposed to be our date night and this won't fix anything but it's a start".

Was he kidding me right now? "I thought mom was coming over tomorrow....and you guys were like together still" I clasped my hands together and held tears back. "I told you, Debbie can't make it and we were never a couple. We married so that you and Prince could be brought into a family environment". Damn it, I guess I'll have to draw my last card. "I know but Daddy do you forgive me? I love you so much, I need you". I blinked my eyes in a puppy dog look. "I love you but this is something I will not forgive, not now maybe not ever. I'm so disappointed in you Paris".

I slammed my hands on the control panel, probably breaking it in the process and stormed out of the studio.

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