Chapter 11: Need To Know

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We arrived at Daniels house about 5 minutes before Dylan and Julie. I had a spare change of clothes at Daniels I left once. I didn't mean to leave them it just happened. I had left that day in Daniels clothes. Hey what can I say? His clothes are comfy and smell amazing. I changed into my spare clothes but I wore one of Daniels old shirts. It was baggy but I liked it. Daniel and I sat on the couch and at that moment there was a knock on the door.

Dylan and Julie walked in. I took Julie back to Daniels room and let her use my spare change of clothes and let her use a pair of some old shorts I apparently left there.

"So what happened tonight?" Julie said as she got dressed.

"Oh nothing. Just a small panic attack."

"Amanda. I've only known you a little while but I know when you're lying. What really happened?"

"Can you just trust that if you need to know something I'll tell you?"

"And I don't need to know this?"

"No." I said as she finished getting dressed.

We both looked as if we just woke up from a 12 hour sleep.

"You both look beautiful." Daniel said as we entered the room.

I sat on the smaller couch with Julie as Dylan sat in the lounge chair and Daniel sat on the end of the longer couch.

"You're not gonna come sit with me?" Daniel said with a pouty face.

"Oh fine." I said mocking his face.

As soon as I stood up, Dylan took the chance to sit beside Julie.

I plopped down next to Daniel and he pulled me close, "So, what do you guys wanna do?"

"Movie?" Julie suggested.

"Right, right." Daniel stood up and picked out a movie. "The Happening?" He asked.

"Fine with me." Dylan said. Julie and I nodded in agreement.

It was half way through the movie and I didn't even know what was happening. Daniel and I had been kissing more than half the time.

I heard Dylan whisper to Julie, "Lets go to the back room. It has a bunch of movies and games. Give the love birds some privacy."

She laughed but stood up and followed him. Daniel wasn't even fazed by it. He just kept kissing.

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