{34} Charlotte's funny business

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A month later..

I was playing with MK and their cousin Raye. Raye absolutely loves them, as they to her.

"Awntie KyKy." Raye called my name in such a cute way.

"Yes sweetie." I answer her.

"Can we get some ice cream?" She pouted.

"Let's go ask Mommy and Daddy first." I get up and pick her up. The girls are in their play pen, so they'll be fine for a minute.

I went to the kitchen to fine Charlotte and Izzy. I saw them making out and covered Raye's eyes.

"PDA!" I shout out jokingly.

"I bet this is nothing compared to you and Mat on the street." Izzy laughed.

"Surprisingly, he's a good boy outside, just when we're under the same roof." I laugh and Izzy joins in.
"What's up Charlotte?" I asked her, as she seems to be the only who isn't laughing.

"I'm fine." She sighed and Izzy looked at her skeptically.

"Anyways, cutie pie right here wants to know if she can get some ice cream with auntie KyKy." I kiss her forehead.

"Of course, but first you need to give mommy and daddy a hug." Izzy reached over for Raye. She gave them a hug and a kiss and then reached up to hold my hand.

"K bye you two. Do you want anything whilst I'm gone?" I asked.

"No thanks." Izzy smiled.

I walked off and heard Charlotte say she needs a toilet. Down the hallway, I saw Mateo on the phone to someone. I left him alone and went back to the living room.

The girls we yapping to each other in baby language and that was just adorable as heck. I kissed the both of them and picked them up. I may not be Mateo, but I can manage carrying the both of them.

"Hi Kyliah." Charlotte came in minutes later.

"Hey Charlotte." I smiled, whilst putting Raye's coat on.

"Can come?" She said and I started laughing.

"Why are you asking to come out with me and your daughter?" I shook my head.

"Because you might just want it to be you and your family." She said. Ok, all I know that she's been acting very strange lately.
"Is Mateo coming?" She asked.

"No why?" I asked back.

"Just wondering." She waved me off.

I put MK in their coats, hat and scarfs, before putting them in their double pushchair.

Mateo was still on his phone when we reached the hall. I was about to walk past him, as the call seemed important, but I was grabbed by my waist.

"Ah! Baby not now." I laughed as he kissed my neck.

"Where are you going?" He asked, still kissing me. I saw Charlotte just staring at him intensely. Maybe she's just daydreaming.

"Going to get ice cream with the girls." I try to untie his hands.

"Can I come?" He pouts.


"Yes!" Charlotte chimes in, which makes us both look at her weirdly.
"Sorry, I was just thinking about something and I thought you called my name." She lied.

"I'm joking, I don't want to come, just give daddy a kiss." He smirked at me and I shook my head no. The last time he said it like that it lead into something more than a kiss.

He turned me around and smashed his lips on mine, not caring about my intentions. He squeezed my butt and I moaned in his mouth.

"L-leave it until later babe. First of all, the kids and I want to go for ice cream. Second of all, we're not having no more babies until MK reach at least five." I pecked his lips, before going back over to the buggy.

"We'll see." He chuckled and I smirked and shook my head.


At the store Charlotte kept on asking about Mateo, I don't know why though. I tried to keep the subject about the presence and tried to talk to Raye, but Charlotte managed to cut in and make the conversation about Mateo. Obviously I didn't say much about him accept from what she already knows. When we come back from the ice cream store, we heard the males playing porker in the adults games room. Raye was sleepy, so I put her in the spare bed for now. The twins were wide awake, playing with their toys.

"I'm going to get the boys." Charlotte said.

"How comes?" I asked.

"I want to spend some time with Izzy. Don't you want to spend time with Mateo?" She turns her head to the side.

"No, because I'll be seeing him tonight. If I were you, I would leave them, they haven't spent time with each other in a while." I go into the living room.

"Well I'm going to get Izzy." She said stubbornly.

I laid the girls on their tummy on the floor. And started playing with them, making them laugh.

"Yes Bella?" I hear Mateo say from behind me.

"Excuse me?" I turned around to him.

"Charlotte said you wanted me." He walks up to me.

"No I didn't and Charlotte, why would you lie?" Turn to look at her.

"Oh! Soz I thought you said you wanted Mateo." She lied again. You could see she was lying.

"No I said leave the men, and you said you wanted Izzy." Mateo shakes his head and grabs me by the waist.

"It doesn't matter, I'm here now." Mateo pecks my lips, but I move away from him.

"Yuck! You taste like vodka." I tell him.

"I love vodka." Charlotte says all of a sudden.

"K.." I trail off, hoping the subject can change. Why has she been making things awkward lately?

"Bella you want to join?" He puts his hands on my butt, beneath my jeans.

"I don't like Poker or drinking, so no thanks. I miss Zillio." I hugged him.

"I bet she misses you too, but she'll visit soon." He swayed me in his arms.

"I hope. I can't believe she went Jamaica with Leroy, just like that," I say.

"I know, but she'll be back." Mat assured me.

"Ok, now get your cold ass hands out of my pants!" I suddenly snap in a joking way.

"You're lucky I don't disrupt yours and Charlotte's time together, by taking you to your bed." He kissed my neck.

"Whatever, go and join the boys." I chuckled.

"Nah, I'm going to put the girls to bed first... And you're coming." He winked and I rolled my eyes. People say our relationship is cute, but at times like this it's annoying.
"Sorry Charlotte, but I'm going to steal my wife for the night, you can have her by tomorrow." He picks up the girls with one hand and throws me over his shoulder with the other.

"Bye Charlotte, sorry about this. You shouldn't have brought him down here." I blew her a friendly kiss, but she just scowled at me. It sounded like she mumbled something, like 'I will have him soon' but that's probably my imagination.

"Bella you're dripping on my shoulder." Mateo chuckled at me and I blushed. I didn't realised I was wet.

"Sorry." I said as he put me down.

"You will be once I start eating your dessert. Go lay naked on our bed, whilst I quickly put these two girlies to bed." He commanded and I obeyed.

That night was one of the best three hours of history we could've made. All I'm going to say is, it got freaky and chocolate and caramel sauce was used, along with strawberries and bananas. ;p

|thnx for reading|

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