Chapter Two

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I was in here for a while, by myself, until Araya came back with two new men.

"You're a strong one, aren't you?" She leaned down and looked at the two dead men on the floor.

"Are you going to let me go now? Or do I need to kill two more of your men?"

She whistled and I see a man push Scott through the open door.

"Brianna, thank God." He ran over to me but was stopped by the mountain ash.

"Is everyone okay? Are you okay?" I ask him, placing my hands on the invisible wall of mountain ash. "I heard she was torturing you."

I glare at her and her men standing behind Scott.

"We're all fine." He turned around. "Break the seal."

"Scott, I haven't had blood the whole time I've been here. I don't know if I will be able to hold it back any longer."

"How long have you been here?" He asks nervously.

"Three days."

"Three- wait I thought you were on a trip with your Aunt? Why were you here?"

"I was looking for Derek." I stare at my friend with sympathy. Scott knows how much Derek means to me. After I figured out my past I explained to them about everything I remember.

He turns back to Araya. "Break the seal."

She nods to one of her men and he breaks the seal. I immediately wrap my arms around him.

After our quick hug session Araya and her men lead us outside.

"So you're just letting us go?" Scott asks, holding me up since I was to weak to walk on my own.

"I sent four men out to where Kate was rumored to have been seen. None of them came back." Araya said to us. "Let's see if you can do better."

"You could've just told me she was alive." Scott says matter-of-factually.

"You wouldn't have believed me." She looks at me then back at Scott. "Now I know what kind of Alpha you are."

Scott looks at her confused.

"And where your next step lies."

"What next step?''

"When you take the bite of a innocent, when you make a wolf of your own, when you do that, then, I will cross your border and come knocking at your door."

"Wait." I say to her before she walks away.

She turns to me smiling.

"Why were you draining my blood?" I can feel Scott's hold around me tighten.

"My men get hurt everyday, you're blood heals. You do the math." She pushes a gate open, revealing all of our friends standing by Stiles's jeep.

"Thank God," I hear Stiles mumble and run up to us. I push out of Scott's arms and jump into Stiles's.

I was literally holding onto Stiles so tight, as if I would never see him again.

I can hear the blood pumping through his neck as he pulls me closer.

I push him away as I feel the veins under my eyes move. I lean down, placing my hands on my knees as I fought the hunger.

"She needs blood, she hasn't fed in three days." Scott says as he places his hand on my back.

"I've got some in my car." I say closing my eyes.

"We'll take you to your car. So what now?" Malia asks walking up to us with Kira and Lydia behind her.

Altered // Stiles Stilinski [BOOK 2]Where stories live. Discover now