Chapter Thirteen

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It didn't even feel like 20 minutes before the school was swarmed with people in hazmat suits and some plastic cylinder pod looking things located in the classrooms. I could hear the faint radio sounds coming from outside which means that their are police here.

None of this can be good. None of it!

We let Scott go and talk to Ms. Martin to see what we're dealing with right now. She just so happened to be with Sydney so maybe Scott can get something out of her. Maybe the rash thing on her arms were some allergic reaction to something and we're all fine.

But also the over-thinker part of my brain is kicking in and it's thinking we're all going to die.

"Bet they're thinking smallpox," Stiles said rubbing his head.

"Not likely," Simon said from the desk in front of the classroom. "Smallpox was eradicated worldwide in 1979. We've only managed to completely eradicate two viruses in history. The other was rinderpest. It killed cows."

Stiles' brow furrowed, "So we should be comforted by that, right?"

"Unless it's something worse."

My hands began to shake and sweat dripped down my forehead as my anxiety took in. "Great. Great! We're probably going to die. We're going to die in school." I got up out of my seat and began pacing back and forth behind Malia and Kira who were sitting across from Stiles.

"Whatever it is, they're taking it pretty seriously," Malia chimed in quietly. "They're a lot of cars and trucks out there." Her eyes focused on Stiles. "You're dad's with them."

"I should probably call him." He rushed over where the phones were being held hostage and began to did through looking for his.

"Hey," Malia grabbed my arm and stopped me from pacing. "Stop it. You're freaking me out."

I squinted down at her hand then looked up at her. The second I looked at her all I could picture was her kissing Stiles.

I yanked my arm out of her grasp, sending her a cold glare. I walked to the front of the room beside Stiles and looked for the small envelope that had my phone.

"Don't bother." Simon said. (A/N I laughed really loud when I typed that.)

"They would have shut off any access to all outside communication by now." He shrugged, "No cell service, no WIFI. No one starting a panic. Looks like we're all just going to have to wait here and see what happens."

I don't know who this guy was but he was starting to creep me out. I kept my eyes wearily on him before looking back down for my phone. WIFI or not, I'm keeping my phone with me.

Once I found my phone I put it in my pocket and threw away the envelope.

I walked back over to Kira and Malia, taking a seat at a desk.

"Are you okay?" Kira asked me in a whisper. I looked at her then at Malia, then to Stiles.

"Malia kissed Stiles," I whispered back to her. There was a chance Malia could hear us but it doesn't matter since she knows what happened.

"It happened in Mexico. I don't understand why she did it but Stiles told me right before the test. He waited that long to tell me, what else has he been keeping from me?" I asked her, more of a rhetorical question.

"Have your feelings changed? Do you still love him?" 

"I want to be mad at him. I want to not care about him. He's hurt me but-- I still love him, maybe more. I feel like every time we're together, the way I feel about him grows stronger. But I'm afraid that things have changed between us."

Altered // Stiles Stilinski [BOOK 2]Where stories live. Discover now