Summer .1

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(since this isn't really following the plot of Teen Wolf, the chapters are going to be called something different.)

"Him? Out of all people, you asked him?" Stiles asked for the millionth time. Him, referring to Isaac.

"So is all our class here?" I asked Scott, ignoring Stiles.

"Yeah it's a tradition for the senior class to have this big summer kick off before school starts back," Scott replied.

I looked at the lake that stood right in front of us, all our friends from school here.

"Well, i'm glad we all get to spend time together before we go our separate ways over the summer."

"You mean you and Kira? The rest of us will be here." Stiles wasn't happy that I will be gone all summer.

Okay, let me explain to you what I'll be doing. Braeden had found another vampire. His name is Stefan Salvatore and she thinks he could help me with what I am since there isn't much I know.

And since I don't know the guy, Isaac is flying over from France to be with me. Sure, I could ask Stiles and Scott to go with me but honestly, they've had a rough time dealing with supernatural creatures and I just want them to enjoy a break away from it.

"Will you just give it a break?" I rolled my eyes and unbuttoned my jean shorts and slid them off my legs. "I don't want to argue about this anymore."

"Yeah but what if this guy is dangerous?" He continued, setting all our stuff up with Scott.

"Braeden knows him, and trusts him. And I trust her." I pulled my shirt off and threw it on top of my stuff. "Now, are you gonna continue arguing with me or are you gonna join me in the water?"

I watched Stiles eyes widen as he eyed my body up and down. I smirked and held out my hand.

"This discussion isn't over," he mumbled and pulled his shirt off. He took hold of my hand and pulled me to the water.

"Hey, guys you made it!" Lydia yelled up to us, as her and Malia were already in the water.

"Is the water cold?" I looked down at the water from the dock Stiles and I were standing on.

"Oh, don't be baby," I heard Scott's voice from behind me. The next thing I knew I was pushed in the water.

I could barely let a scream out before water filled my mouth.

When I arose for air I could barely get a chance to yell at Scott before him and Stiles jumped in, almost on top of me.

When they both surfaced, I splashed Scott in the face. "You're mean."

We were here for hours upon hours just having fun and being with all our friends. We swam for awhile, played beach volley ball, drank a little, then when night came we had a big bonfire.

I wish I could do things like this all summer but, I had to do this. I had to know more about me. I needed to know if I could end this curse. I needed to know if there is a cure for vampirism.


"I know you don't want to talk about it but I just have to know that you'll be safe," Stiles said quietly, approaching me from behind.

I closed my eyes and leaned against his chest. He wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled his face in the crook of my neck.

"I'll call you every night and tell you what's going on, kay? You have to trust me when I tell you that I need to do this."

"I trust you. I don't trust this guy, Stefan. We don't even know this guy. I also still don't like Isaac, so you know I won't trust him."

I laughed and rolled my eyes. I turned around to face him, his arms still wrapped around me. "I love you."

"I love you too," he leaned down and pecked my lips.

He wanted to further the kissing but I pulled away and walked out of his grasp. "Now, are you gonna help me pack or not? I need to finish this so Lena doesn't have so much to do. We still have to get it back to the apartment. The new owners will be here next week."

He groaned dramatically making me laugh. "Can't we do something else? Take a break?"

"We could get something to eat," I offered while walking over to my desk and packing stuff up.

"Not really hungry," he mumbled. I could feel him standing behind me, his warm breath tickling my shoulder.

"We could um," he moved my hair away from my neck, placing a soft kiss behind my ear. "W-we could watch a movie."

"What kind of movie?" he began to kiss down my neck.

I closed my eyes, suppressing a moan. "Um, i-i don't know."

I turned around and brought his lips down to mine.

"I've probably seen them all anyways," he mumbled against my lips.

"That's a lot of movies," I chuckled, looking from his eyes down to his lips. "We could go for a walk."

"We could," he whispered, his lips hovering over mine. "Do you want to?"

I shook my head and smashed my lips to his. He picked me up by the hips and placed me on the desk. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he hands traveled up my shirt.

I ran my fingers through his hair as his fingertips tickled my bare skin

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I ran my fingers through his hair as his fingertips tickled my bare skin. His tongue brushed against my lip for entrance and of course he was instantly granted.

Before anything could progress further, and boy did I want it to, there was a loud knock on the other side of my closed door which made us both jump apart.

I mentally groaned and hopped off my desk, stomping over to the door and swinging it open.

"What," I mumbled angrily, glaring at Scott who was standing on the other side.

"Uh, your aunt said to start loading any boxes onto the truck," his face held confusion as he looked from me to Stiles who was behind me. He seemed like he was processing something before his eyes went really wide.

"Oh my..." his face turned red and he turned around and walked away.

"The moment is ruined," I said to Stiles who was sitting on my bed with a pillow on his lap.

I looked down to the pillow, then up to his face that was bright red.

"Yeah, um... I'm gonna go take this box down stairs," I picked up the closest box I could find and darted downstairs.

Thanks a lot, Scott.

These next few chapter will be shorter than the other ones mainly because I'm writing them from scratch and don't have a plot to go by.

Hope you all had a happy holiday!



Vote and comment what you think about this summer idea! :)

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