Chapter 3~ Tomas POV

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I slammed the door shut as i walked to stand over Johnny's desk. "Tomas great just the person i want to see"

" Cut the crap John what do you want?" I asked trying to control my anger.

"A man who likes to get the job done, one thing i like about you. Now i need you to do me a favor th-"

" No John i'm done okay i'm tried of your stupid favors i quit" I said walking over to the door

" Tomas stop you and I both know you need me, or you could have it your way I'm sure Veronica won't mind hearing the truth about you. The whole truth that is" John said sitting back in his chair

I turned to look at him" Go ahead and tell her. She wouldn't mind hell i'm pretty sure she will love to her the news. I smirked placing my hand on the door knob

" Come on Tommy let's not act stupid here. We all know once Veronica finds out the truth it's only a matter of time before the boss finds out.

I sighed John right there's no way I can let the boss find out the truth. Who knows what he will do. " Okay you win.. what do you want?" I asked turning to face John.

" Them" John said throwing down a manila folder. I picked it up to find pictures of 5 teenagers and documents about them.

" These guys are the only survivors left"

"So?" I shrugged. " So you job is to make they don't find out what where up to"

" Seriously? Johnny these kids are like 18 I don't think they are going to find out about us"

" Look at Francesca Tomas. Read what it says about her." I flipped to Francesca paper work and couldn't believe my eyes.

" John there must be some mistake. How is this even possible" I asked still not believing what i was reading.

" Now you see. She's a smart girl and sooner or later she's going to figure out who she is. And you my friend need to make sure she doesn't."

"How?" I asked

" With this" John said pointing to the folder. " Your going undercover your going to pretend you were one of those teenagers. All you need to know is in this folder right here."

" Okay but what if they find out i'm just undercover for you" I said as john started packing his bag. " And what are you doing?"

" Look Tomas you need to be someone they trust okay so for that were moving headquarters. You however will stay here make they stay as far away from New York as possible" John said walking towards the door.

" Management will take care of making sure this place looks like shit you just try and look like you just got finish fighting a war. " I just nodded my head trying to figure how i'm going to pull this off.

" Oh and Tomas one more thing. Don't let find out who they are"


Okay act natural and everything will be fine. I walked around now the abounded ''warehouse'' as John told me to called it.

" Over here" I heard someone whisper as i looked around. I shrugged it off thinking it was nothing.

" Ow stop it" I heard again this time I pretended not to hear it.

" Shut up your going to get us caught"

" Too late" I said standing over a red headed girl cradling a dog in her arms.

" Look please don"t hurt us okay i"m sorry for trespassing but my dog ran in here and i had to follow him and pleases don't kill me" The girl said as she held up her hands.

" Look calm down i"m not going to hurt you just tell me your name."

" Stacey". My eyes lit up when i realized she was one of the teens on the list.

" Umm well okay Stacey are you here with anyone else?" I asked hoping she said yes.

" No just me and muffin" Stacey said as muffin started to growl.

" What's wrong girl" Stacey asked as the sound of metal dropping sounded in the distance. I stood up running from behind to crates to see what happen.

"Alex look what you did what if someone wa- oh um hi" A brown headed girl greeted me as she started to back away slowly.

" We were just leaving and-"

" No don't" I shouted stepping forward. I heard a door closed behind me as two kids came running inside.

" Fran look out" A boy yelled as i turned to see a girl running towards me before she could stop she collided into me causing us both to fall on the ground.

" I'm...I'm so sorry" The girl said looking down at me.

" It's okay Francesca "


Yay i finish another chapter. Okay so before you all pull out the pitch forks and write the hate comments i just to let ya'll know that the next chapter will explain how each and everyone of them found the "warehouse" Okay? Okay. Now moving on i hope you enjoyed this chapter and Yes the secret about Fran won't be reviled until much much later in the book so sorry but not sorry for that. I do hope you guys did enjoy. Biiiii

happy reading~Angela

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