Chapter 4~ Fran's POV

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" I'm sorry what?" I asked looking down at the stranger i just ran into.

" I said its okay" the guy said looking up at me.

" No you didn't" I said standing up as my brother came to my side.

"What's going Fran" Ben asked as the everyone else started to gather around us.

"What are you talking about of course i did" The guy said stepping closer to me

"Stay away from me okay and how do you know my name" I said backing away as my brother put his arm in front of me. 

" Your name? I well...okay you caught me. Look i don't want to lie to you but the guy standing next to you called you Fran" 

" Yeah so?"

" So we called my stepsister that and her name was Francesca and just assumed i'm sorry i didn't mean for it to be creepy or anything" He said looking down at the ground. 

I didn't know if i should believe him or not I looked around as everyone was just starting back and forth between us. 

" It's okay besides like you said you didn't mean it" I said smiling up at him.

" Thank you and like I said i'm sorry. But now that i have everyone's attention my name's Tomas" Tomas said looking around to everyone.

" Well Tomas you know my name but this is my brother Ben" I said pointing toward Ben as he waved to everyone.

 "Okay so since were doing this Hi guys I'm Amy and this is Alex." Amy said waving to all of us as her brother just nodded. 

"And I'm Stacey and this is muffin" Stacey said as she held up a small Yorkshire. 

"Great now that we all got acquainted me and my brother have to head out so hope to see you guys soon" Amy said as her and her brother turned to leave. 

"No you guys can't go" Tomas said while Amy just looked at him.

"Um Why not?"

"Because there's something out there and if you guys leave it will just have a greater chance of getting you" Tomas explained while Amy just looked at hum dumbfounded. 

" He's right that is what me and my brother where running from" I said stepping close to Tomas. 

"Well thanks for the concern guys but i'm pretty sure we can handle whatever is out there" Amy said turning to walk away again.

" Well at least stay the night all of you and just leave early by then those things will be gone and the fog will have also disappeared". Tomas said looking around 

"He's right Amy it is getting dark will leave early tomorrow like he said" Alex finally spoke putting his hand on his sister. 

"Alright fine but one night only after that we all go our separate ways. Deal?" Amy said sticking her hand out 

"Deal" I said before Tomas could even speak. 

"Well since that's settled um you guys can follow me and i'll show where you will be sleeping" Tomas said as he started walking with us following behind like little ducklings. 

"Hey Amy right?" I asked snapping her out of here thoughts. 

" Yeah what do you need?" Amy asked looking at me. 

" Um nothing i just thought that well since were stuck here together-" 

" That what huh? To make friends with each other and stay in touch no matter what? Yeah i'll pass look i'm trying to figure out what happen to my parents not play dress up with a two year old" Amy rolled here walking away. 

"Ignore her she's just scare that's all" Alex said coming near me

"Yeah no totally I get it i just thought she could use a friend for comfort" I said looking down at the ground.

" Hey don't be sad like I said tomorrow she'll forget about all this " Alex said picking up my head.

 " Besides someone as beautiful as you shouldn't be sad" Alex said winking at me before walking off.  I couldn't help but smile. 

" Okay so there are three rooms so two to a room...Um lunch room as i call it is just down the hall to the right. There are some left over workers clothes lying around if you need them. Last thing The door with letters R.M is off limits." Tomas said walking away. 

"Um okay so it's not awkward i guess siblings share a room and Stacey do you mind sharing with Tomas" I asked looking around at everyone. 

"No that's fine now if you don't mind i'm going to find muffin something to eat excuse me" Stacey said walking toward the lunch room. 

" I'm pretty hungry too. Alex you coming" Amy asked turning to look at her brother. 

"No um you go i'll find us some blankets and pillows." 

"I'll go with you besides i need to find clothes for me and my sister" Ben said as he and Alex went the opposite way. 

"Well I guess it's just you and me Amy" I said turning to find that Amy had already left."Or just me" 

"Look i'm doing the best i can" I heard Tomas voice shout. 

"NO OKAY!!" Tomas yelled I started walking following the sound of his voice which lead me to the door that was off limits. It was cracked open and i couldn't help but peek through. 

I saw Tomas's back turn toward the desk as his right hand was holding up the phone he was talking in. 

" Look John okay i'm trying my best here but they want to leave tomorrow okay what am I suppose to do" Tomas sighed rubbing his forehead.

" I guess that could work but i don't know it seems risky. Plus you have to remember who we have with us" Tomas said Turing around causing me to back away a little

" Okay i'll do it. I'll make sure these guys don't get separate...Okay okay i'll make sure Fran doesn't find out either." Tomas said nodding along to what the speaker was telling him. 

Doesn't find out about what? And why Doesn't he  want us to get separate He's not talking about us is he? 

 I couldn't help lean my hand against the door forgetting it was open caused me to lose my balance and fall into the office. 

"Fran? What were you doing outside?" Tomas asked looking down at me. 

" No the real question Tomas is why don't you want us to get separated?  Are you hiding something from us. And what don't you want me to find out?"


Okay so this chapter is done and finish i do apologize if it's crappy and doesn't make sense. I do hope you enjoyed sorry i didn't say how they each ended up in the warehouse but i kind out got into what I was writing but i promise next chapter I will. I will try and post chapter 5 my parents want to spend the day with me so i'll try my best but i do hope you enjoyed and have a lovely day. Biiiii

happy reading~Angela 

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