Mr. Anderson

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Samantha's POV:

When the teacher finally came inside, he introduced himself as Mr. Anderson. We were all given a name tag, and told to write our names on them. We have to keep them on for the rest of the day, but a few kids have already pulled them off. I guess we can already see who will be following the rules for the year.

I smirked to myself.

Mr. Anderson is our Math/ Science teacher, so we spent this class talking about what we will be doing for the rest of the year. We also played a couple of games, and talked about what we liked in front of the other students.

"I absolutely LOVE pop music, it's basically my life." I stated in front of everybody, along with dramatic hand movements.

"Does anybody have any questions?" Said Mr. Anderson.

Emily quickly raised her hand, and our teacher nodded in her direction. 

"Who do you listen to the most? I like Lady Gaga" She said, almost laughing.

I smiled. "I love Gaga. She makes amazing music, and I would love to see her in concert. I used to live in Oklahoma, so I never really got the chance."

Mr. Anderson looked at me. "You may sit back down." 

The rest of class went by very quickly, and the bell rang. I asked Emily if she had English next, but she was going to Drama class. We decided to meet each other at lunch, and we could talk more then. 


I hope you enjoy this chapter! The next one will be coming tomorrow. ;) If you have any suggestions on what you would like to happen, please send me a message! I will always consider your ideas.

-NotRachel <3

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