Chapter IX

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I woke up snuggled up to Ryan for heat. I slowly inched away so he wouldn't notice I was now gone.

I sat up as soon as I was safely away from him.

"Rise and shine, Spider-Man," Carman called from the hood of the car. "Come over here, there's something I want to show you."

I sat down next to her and she raised her hand to the rising sun and began humming.

The sun's light redirected and shown done onto the ocean.

"That's so cool!" I said.

"It took a long time to learn, I practice every morning. I have to sing to get it to do what I want it to, but I'm humming now because I can't sing."

"Come on, you can't be worse than Ryan!"

"True," Carman replied nodding.

I still hadn't heard the song in its entirety, and my inner curiosity spurred.

"Mornin' guys!" Ryan called. "What's on the menu?"

"We have to wait for everyone else, you ass." Carman told him.

"Fine, I'll go catch some z's in the meantime." He returned to the towel and curled up.

"Now that we're alone again, can I show you what I found in the pile of Medea's dust?" I asked Carman.


I shuffled in my bag and pulled out the vial of pinkish liquid. "I don't know what it does, but I really want to find out."

Carman looked at the label. She gasped. "We shouldn't play with magic beyond our own powers, Addalynn."

"Maybe there's instructions on it somewhere..." I turned the vial over and in dark grey printing were the instructions.

"Pour one drop onto a person and their greatest heart's desire will come true.

WARNING: Do not use more than one drop on one person with in twenty-four hours.

Side effects include: Headache, nausea, runny nose, coughing, fatigue, and Cupid's Arrow effect

Side effects may last from twelve hours to twelve plus years," I read.

"That was... convenient," Carman said. "But neither of us know their heart's desire do they?"

"Why not find out?" I said opening the bottle.

Carman grabbed the vial and cork lid from me and closed it and stuffed it in her backpack.

"Think with your brain and not for your heart for a second, okay?"

"About what?" I asked.

"About pouring suspicious liquids onto your head."

"Whatever. And also in the pile of dust, was this nametag. I wanted you to have it since I thought you did really well yesterday fighting the owner of this thing. I didn't know pens and hangars could be used as weapons." I dropped the nametag into her hand.

She smiled and put in safely away into her backpack.

"I don't know about you, but I could use some fresh clothes, mine are soiled!" Carman said.

"Okay, sounds fun. How are we going to pay?" I answered.

"We aren't. We're going to shoplift 'em." Carman said grinning.

"Isn't that already Charlie's job?" I asked as Carman pulled me down the street to a small shopping mall.

We walked into a clothes store and walked around calmly. All the customers were lost in the racks and the clerks were busy doing clerk-type stuff.

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