Chapter 3: At the Diner

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Welcome back to my book! We won 1st in the 2016 Gravity Falls Watty Awards for Dipcifica!! So shout out to them !!!! Thanks for reading this chapter and on with the storryy!! 


Driving down the street was always a fun and exciting time for me, especially when my 'dearest parents' didn't come along. Mostly because I never got to feel the wind blowing through my long, blonde hair when I was locked up in the old manor all day, every day. It was also because the woods had a specific scent that no candle company could ever hope to reciprocate. As the wonderful fragrance drifted through my nostrils, I closed my eyes in pleasure. The truth was, I didn't even like the manor. The architecture was indescribably beautiful, and I received wonderful treatment there from Mandy and the rest of the staff, but I couldn't help but ponder what life was like to the people whose schedules weren't made up of sitting at home and throwing parties. All I wanted was just a little adventure.

"Hey Mandy," I began, my eyes still shut against the soft breeze. "Don't you just love this?"

"Love what?" She turned her head to look at me quizzically.

"This!" I exclaimed with gusto; so much so that Anastasia looked at us, her eyes pleading to join the conversation. Although I didn't fancy her particularly, she was a much better conversationalist than Mandy, so I waved my hand in her direction, gesturing for her to join. "Anastasia, don't you agree."

"Oh, yes!" she cheered in a singsong voice. "I love to get out and about, especially when it's to a place like this!"

The conversation ended when we felt the car slowing to a stop. I peered out the window, seeing that we had arrived at our destination. I started to reach for the handle to let myself out, but before I could, the door opened on its own.

"This way, Pacifica," I heard the gruff voice of our aging driver, Sebastian, speak gently. I didn't know much about Sebastian, but from what I could tell, he was a good man. As he grabbed my hand to help me to the ground, I slipped a sizable tip into his palm. If my parents found out that I did something reckless like that, I would be in so much trouble. They didn't like that I tried to treat our workers nicely. That was why they underpaid Sebastian, along with the majority of the staff. But judging from the band on his left ring finger, he could use all of the money he could get.

"Why, thank you, Sebastian," I said to the elderly man. "You can go back to the manor and I'll ring you when we are finished. Alright?"

"Yes, ma'am," he agreed, a smile highlighting the wrinkles on his face. Each one could tell a thousand tales of his life. All that I would like to hear. The first couple of times I was in town by myself, I would ask my escort where they wanted to go first, but I had stopped doing that, since I always got the same annoying, infamous answer: anywhere you want to go would be fine. I had a theory that my parents gave them a how-to-guide on how to treat me, because things like that were an everyday occurrence.

"So," I began. "I'm thinking we go to Greasy's Diner first for some lunch, then I can plan out the rest of the day there. Is that alright with everyone?"

"Yes, ma'am," all three of them recited in unison. I cringed at their uniformity. "Honestly. You guys don't have to say that stuff to me." I turned my body to acknowledge both Mandy and Anastasia before continuing. "It actually annoys me."

"Yes, ma'am. Sorry, ma'am," they continued with perfect timing.

I huffed out an irritated breath and continued the short walk to Lazy Susan's diner.

Entering the restaurant, I took a moment to take it all in. The place was vastly different from what I was used to; from the old and decaying booths, to the rotating pie spinner, that Susan spent most of her time repairing. I really loved it here, which was weird for a Northwest to say, but to put it frankly, I wasn't a normal Northwest.

Excitement washed over me as I power walked towards an open booth, not noticing two other people walking over to the table, until it was too late.

Our collision sent us both onto the floor, and as I tried to get back onto my feet, I apologized to the boy. As I spoke, he continued to tell me he was sorry as well, causing me to give him a curious look that I hoped no one saw.

The fallen boy reached for his hat, which had somehow ended up on the floor when we ran into each other. I rubbed my head, watching him place it back on his head. His dark eyes fell upon me, and I nervously looked at the ground to avoid his gaze.

Before either of us could say anything to each other aside from our apologies, my escorts rushed over to help me, concern etched on their faces. The girl accompanying the boy did the same with him.

"Watch where you're going!" Mandy shouted, startling the boy and I. "Do you have any idea how important Ll -- Pacifica is!"

"Excuse me, lady. You have no right to talk to me like that!" The boy started to raised his voice too, and my eyes darted around the room. Our little huddle had raised unwanted attention amongst the packed diner.

"What is wrong with you?" I questioned in a hushed voice. "Why did you do that?" I questioned her

A look of rage grew on the boy's face "Me?!" he shouted. "What about her?!" He threw his hand out, gesturing to Mandy.

I cut him off by holding my hand out to as too shush them all. A bad headache was beginning its wrath on me. Mandy immediately flicked her eyes back and forth between the boy and I, her face tightening when she focused her attention at him, and softening when she looked at me.

"Not you, Dipper. Not you," I murmured, my voice barely high enough to reach them all. "Her."

With that one word, the boy and girl's expressions transformed into shock. Anastasia placed a hand on Mandy's shoulder in a comforting way.

"What was that?" I questioned, my jaw clenched in anger.

"I'm sorry, ma'am. I was just --"

"Be quiet," I snapped, interrupting her. "That behavior was unnecessary." My voice was flat and held a strange sense of calm. "Completely unnecessary."

I muttered as I walked towards the door, Anastasia following close behind me, like a lost puppy. "You know, Mandy," I said, turning around. "You can find your own way back to the manor."

With one last gaze at the boy, I slammed the door behind me.


Hi guys! I hope you enjoyed it! Sorry I haven't been updating lately I've had a bit of writer's block, but I'm back and a big thanks to Rorscarch because they gave me a really neat tip to get through it! Thank you for reading! And Live Long And Ship ONNNnNNnnNnN! >*<

Status: Edited

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