Chapter: 8

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Hi guys! Been, not too long, (granted that is only if I finish writing this chapter today.) So how've you guys been, relatively okay? Let me know in the comments, or not I can't make you. Let's get this thang rolling!


 The Pines stared into my eyes, I could feel their eyes reading my face, and searching my soul.  They turned their heads, so they were facing each other. By their facial expressions and little head nods, I guessed they were having one of those sibling arguments. And by the looks of it Dipper lost.

He turned his head back in my direction, raising a fist to is mouth whilst clearing his throat. Meeting my eyes he began to speak. 

"W-well." He paused, probably taking a moment to conjure up the right words to say. "We have a question to ask you, preferably in private."

"More private than in an empty main room, in front of my door?" I questioned not meaning to emit any negative vibes.

Dipper coughed, obviously taken back by my words. "Well, there are, like, a good three people standing behind you, just, um, staring at us."

"What do you mean?" I asked turning around. What I saw, I honestly should have expected.

In the middle of the room, by the staircase, stood one very recognizable person, and two semi-familiar residents staying by her side.

By my guess the male semi-recognizable person was Andy,he stood there like he was meant to be there, and obviously he just wanted to 'protect' me, much like Anastasia had told me earlier that day. The other companion was our house nurse, Susan, there really isn't too much personality to her other than she is shy, and fragile. Mostly, Susan keeps to herself and stays in her living quarters, or in the clinic. 

The only person left, the recognizable one, was Anastasia, with her brown hair and hazel eyes, she stood with a purpose, and obviously that purpose was to snoop. once her eyes caught mine and she realized I knew why she was there, she grabbed the other two by the arms and began to walk away, laughing nervously. 

"Sorry" She sang "Nothing wrong happening here." Her voice was projected all the way to the front door in which I stood. 

"Well then," I said walking outside, closing the door. "Why don't we walk to the garden, the gardener has off today, we should be relatively okay."

Walking to the garden was mostly, well,  just awkward. We walked down the walkways, as confusing as they are long, and dilapidated from the centuries of use. It takes years of living in this estate to really get used to this expansive place. Only now can I walk around here with such confidence, if someone was to ask me to show them around four years ago, I would have been more lost then them. 

 For the Pines twins it seemed as though silence from me was just what the doctor ordered. They kept their distance from me all the way to the garden but, I could tell they were exchanging ideas and formulating a game plan. 

As soon as I got to the fence, I paused for a moment, looking at the lock, and thought over once more if this was a good idea. 

Coming to the conclusion, that it was better to get this 'talk' over with sooner rather than later, I entered in the code. With each digit I punched in I could feel my life force draining. 

I satisfying bzzzzzzzz rang in my ears to alert me to the fact that the ten second entrance time has started. 


The fence hollered, counting down the time,I entered,holding open the gate for the Pines to follow. 


Rung the gate as the twins came into view, obviously bewildered as to why numbers were being spat in their face.


Said he voice, once again, Mabel decided to speak up "Um, what is that noise?" She questioned.


"Oh, nothing it's just counting down from ten."


"You should probably get in here before it reaches zero.


"Why?" Dipper stated, wanting an answer.


"No time" I hurried. "Get in."


 It didn't take much convincing to get the Pines inside, once they heard to get in they ran for the entrance.   


They were almost to the gate, about four steps away.


 Mabel jumped in first, her brother quickly tumbling in after her. 


Once the gate was closed and secure, I turned around to face the twins. 

"Basically the door has a time set in it, ten seconds, once it reaches zero it will lock itself, not allowing us to unlock it for a full minute. I know it's complicated, but honestly my parents find it as some sort of security measure. "

They stared at me dumbfounded, like their minds had just gone numb.

"How much is something like that?" Mabel pondered to us. 

"I honestly have no idea, the money is left to my parents." I paused preparing myself for whatever came next. "SO, what did you have to tell me?"


Word count : 820

SO, It turns out I did finish this the same day I started it, surprise. That has never happened before. I feel this was a decent length chapter. Anywho thanks for voting/commenting/reading It really does help me and life my spirits! SO, as always Live Long and SHip OnNNNnnnNNN!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2017 ⏰

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